The Murderer, My Dad

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(Emily's pov)

12 years later

I looked down at the newspaper. The man on the front page looked so different to what I thought. I had an outdated photo in an old locket. The man in the locket looked so different from the man on the front page. But I knew they were the same person. The italic writing underneath the photo told me that much. Sirius Black.

In my locket, the man had wavy,black, shoulder length hair and grey eyes full of happiness and joy. It was a photo of my parent's wedding day.My mum had long straight black hair and dark eyes just like her twin, Severus.

The man in the paper, though ,had greasy, matted hair and his grey eyes had a look of torture in them and held a madness which I would never be able to capture; even though I was a metamorphmagus.

The clock chimed twelve and I thought to myself 'What a wonderful birthday. To find out your father murdered thirteen people and has now escaped from Azkaban. Great!'

I decided to not attempt to go to sleep because I knew I wouldn't be able to. I just stared at the fire, clicking my fingers every once in a while to change the colour or to reignite it.

It was a full moon that night so my half guardian and godfather was in his cottage as a werewolf, probably wrecking the place. I had great guardians, note the sarcasm.My Uncle Sev didn't show emotions at all; unless it was anger and he had the reputation of beings the 'Scariest Professor at Hogwarts'. I would never know of course because my guardians wouldn't let my go to Hogwarts. I was forced to attend Beaubaxtons, the school for wimps,who wore really short skirts. While my godfather was extremely nice and kind, he turned into a murderous beast every month. I had quite an entertaining life.

I was forced to stand up when my uncle came down the stairs, dressed in his usual black attire. He nodded which was his way of saying 'Morning. Happy Birthday Em.' He picked up the paper but once he looked at the front page, he placed it on the table.

"Is everything okay?" I asked. I knew what he was thinking even though he kept his mask on. He didn't want me to know what my father did. They only told me that he did 'bad things' but I could tell that Severus hated him.

"Perfect. Have you seen the paper yet?" he asked, his voice devoid of emotion.But when did he ever say the word perfect? He was usually like an angst-y teenager.

"Yep," I said. "The sperm doner escaped" I said, trying to keep my voice even. The last thing I wanted was Sev lecturing me. He gave me a disapproving look but I could tell that he was secretly pleased. I knew he didn't like my father. He had made that very clear over the years.

"Yes. But he is still your father and if I hear you use language like that again-" he said ,his voice drawling like always.I blanked his big speech and got up to see if my Remus was ready.

I got up and walked over to the fire,flicked my wrist and a roaring green fire appeared. I made my hair and eyes the same colour green and stuck my head in the fireplace, ignoring my uncle's protests.

Tattered seats, fraying curtains and the smell of books and chocolate, the place I called home for half of my week.Remus was sitting down looking at the newspaper. His eyebrows were furrowed and he looked deep in thought. He suddenly got up and threw the paper in the fire and jumped when he saw me.

"Em, you scared the life out of me!" he exclaimed. He slumped back down in his chair and I felt half bad.

"Well I am Emily Severa Black,daughter of notorious mass murderer Sirius Black, niece of the scariest professor to ever step foot in Hogwarts and goddaughter of man-beast Remus Lupin"I said smirking,my hair turning black again.Remus however did not find this funny,especially the 'notorious mass murderer' part but before he could reply a hand took the hood of my sweatshirt and pulled me back.

"Why did you do that? I was having a conversation."I exclaimed but we both knew I wasn't angry.I could never stay angry at Sev. A loud pop echoed around the house and there stood my godfather in his pyjamas.

"What are you doing here Lupin?" Sev sneered, which he did a lot around Remus.

"To collect my goddaughter of course, Severus" he replied calmly. Remus was always polite to Sev. I didn't understand why; Sev treated him like dirt. Severus couldn't object because it was my turn to go to Remus' house.

"Goodbye Emily, I have to go on Hogwarts business so I will see you at Hogwarts" he replied, curtly. He made it clear that there was no room to ask questions.

"Wait," I said "Did you say Hogwarts?" I was going to Hogwarts.No more short skirts but nice long robes. Real robes

"Yes. Now leave already" Sev said feigning impatience because I knew he really loved me; deep, deep down anyway.

Emily Black(Sirius Black's daughter) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now