Chapter 50 "Babysitter"

Start from the beginning

Peter:As if! My boyfriend's friend had cooked soup for me yesterday, but we got in a fight and I didn't end up eating it

Johnny:Another fight? Why?

Peter:It's a long story

Johnny:Ahh, tell me about it now but first...
*he smiled as he grabs Peter's wrist and pulls him towards him and places him on the couch beside him*
Stay here! You're sick!

Peter:You could have just said so, you didn't have to drag me
*he puts on his green hoodie letting out a double cough while the microwave let out a ding that the soup is already warm, before Peter could get up Johnny gets up instead*

Johnny:I'll get it! You stay here!
*he approached to the kitchen and grabs the soup, Peter sat on the couch feeling weirded out by Johnny's usually kind behavior despite him always acting like a selfish dickhead*

Peter:(Johnny is starting to freak me out, this feels so weird not even Danny acts like this...)
*Johnny places the warm soup with spoon on the table in front of him with the cup of orange juice beside it, Johnny flopped back onto the couch as Peter sat silent*

Johnny:What's with the silent treatment Pete? The soup shouldn't be that least I think so
*he grabs the bowl of soup and drank a spoonful of it, he then ate another spoonful as Peter glared at him*
Wow, this soup is really good

Peter:Give it back, it's mine
*he grabs the bowl and spoon from Johnny and began eating the soup as Johnny softly smiled as Peter kept his cold expression on his face*

Johnny:So why did you and your boyfriend fight?

Peter:A friend of ours confessed to me and told me to pick between him or Danny

Johnny:Really? Does he know that you're in a relationship?

Peter:He does, and now yesterday he told me that he's going to move on from me since he sees my obvious feelings for Danny, and Danny just happened to have overheard and got mad at me for handling this myself and not telling him

Johnny:...why didn't you tell him?

Peter:Are you going to blame me too? I just feel like people are blaming me for things that aren't their business

Johnny:I'm just asking Pete, like I understand why you didn't felt like telling him but you should have at least tried to explain

Peter:I did, I told him to not overreact since the problem is already solved and he's still pursuing me to tell him why I didn't spoke to him about it, can you believe it? He's treating me like a four year old

Johnny:You kept things from him before Pete, so I get why he would be overreacting about it

Peter:I keep things from him so he doesn't have to get hurt and start drama, believe it or not he's a very dramatic person if you get to know him

Johnny:Heh about your boyfriend, I'm surprised you managed to date him since he looks hot and well you...

Peter:What?! Are you trying to say that I'm ugly?! Danny stares at me at every moment that he gets, and I'm sure I'm handsome enough to have attracted two guys!

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