❃Chapter Ten❃

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Asake's clothes were ruined. She had decided to sleep in a tree above a different river, one that was murky and brown and disgusting. She wouldn't find joy in this one like she had in the last. However, while she was sleeping, it had rained, and she woke up falling out of the tree. A feeling of weightlessness had taken over her body as she fell toward the ground. She wished she could float forever, but she knew she couldn't. Again, she landed on her left shoulder, the same one she had hurt a few days ago. Groaning in pain, she rolled onto her good side and muttered, "Why does this always happen to me?"

Slowly, she stood up, but her feet slipped on the fresh mud. She couldn't grab hold of anything to keep her upright, and before she knew it, she fell half into the mud and half into the murky river. Her head slipped underneath the brown water, making the panic swell up in her body. Asake had to get out of there before she had another panic attack, just without Zuko to get her out of it. 

Asake pulled herself up out of the water as quickly as she could before her fear took control. Taking a few deep breaths, she thanked the Spirits that she survived that ordeal without making a fool of herself. She couldn't believe she had done that. At least she hadn't been impaled by her swords. Speaking of the swords . . . She peered at the branch where she was laying and sighed in relief. They were still hanging by their sheathes, waiting to be taken down. 

She jumped up and pulled herself up to the branch, straddling it. Her legs gripped hard just so she wouldn't fall down again. She moved her left arm and winced in pain. Hopefully she didn't break it because she couldn't handle that. She needed all her limbs to function on her journey. Asake slipped her shirt off and created a sling for her arm. She needed to find new clothes, especially since she was in the Earth Kingdom now. 

Dropping out of the tree again, Asake surveyed the land in front of her. A small house stood at a distance away from her, surrounded by farmland. It didn't look like anyone was home, but she wasn't sure yet. She had to watch the house, to know the comings and goings of the people. But most of all, she had to make sure she wouldn't hurt anyone while doing it. She had to stay safe.

A woman exited the house and headed toward a barn, bringing a large plate of food with her. A smaller boy followed her and ran in the barn as well. She assumed that the husband was in the barn, so she slipped down to the house. The closer she got, the more she realized how bad off the house and barn were. The roof was falling apart on the barn, but a section looked like it was new. Their house didn't look much better. She felt bad for them.

Whatever she felt, she had to push down. She needed new clothes, and this was her best bet. Asake climbed in through the window of the house and dropped silently to the ground. She scanned the room quickly before heading toward what she thought was the parents' bedroom. Some clothes were sitting on the low bed, so she snatched them for herself. Before she could jump out of the window, though, she heard someone step into the house with her. Asake stopped what she was doing and held her breath, praying to the Spirits that whoever it was would leave.

"Oh," the woman said once she saw Asake, stepping into the bedroom. Asake died a little on the inside; the woman looked thin and disappointed. She looked like a disappointed mother, and that hit Asake right in the heart. She didn't have a mother to make sure she was alright and fed and healthy. She didn't have anyone. "What are you doing?"

Asake didn't want to answer. She didn't want to hear how desperate she sounded. However, she opened her mouth and said, "I'm sorry. I just needed some new clothes, and I didn't know where to look."

The woman nodded. She didn't seem angry or anything at all. That was the worst thing she could do to Asake. It made her seem like she cared. "Are you a weary traveler?" she asked her softly. 

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