❃Chapter Two❃

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"What are you doing here?" Zuko said, stepping forward toward his sister. There was a strange look on his face as he took in the sight of Azula.

Asake shrunk back next to Iroh. Her heart thudded against her chest. She wasn't sure why Azula was here, but she knew it couldn't have been for a good reason. There was always trouble following Azula; she knew that from experience. The last time Asake saw Azula was right before her and Zuko both got burned from Fire Lord Ozai. Azula seemed excited to witness the humiliation of her brother, and that made Asake dislike her from the beginning.

Azula grabbed one of the seashells Asake had gathered a few minutes ago, glancing at it thoughtfully. However, there was something in her eyes that made Asake shiver. "In my country, we exchange a pleasant 'hello' before asking questions," she said, her eyes flickering up to Zuko. Azula had a smirk on her face, shrugging. She stalked forward, dropping the seashell to the ground. When it fell, it shattered, just like Asake's heart had been. "Have you become uncivilized so soon, Zuzu? It's probably because you've been hanging around Asake and Uncle."

Anger filled her heart at what she said. Asake wasn't uncivilized. She even went to the Royal Fire Academy for Girls for a little bit of her life. She definitely wasn't uncivilized. But the thing that made her mad was that Azula called Iroh uncivilized. Of all people, Iroh deserved more respect than that. He was a seasoned man who had been through the wringer in his life, yet he turned out better than anyone else she had ever met before.  

She frowned, walking forward slightly. Azula glanced at her with those terrifying eyes. "Who says I'm uncivilized, Azula? You're the one who broke in here like a criminal."

Azula's eyes darkened but the smirk didn't fall from her face. Asake was so scared, but she didn't dare show that to Azula. She didn't want to please her by being afraid. "I'm the Princess, dear, so I think I can do what I want. You're nothing."

Anger raged through Asake's veins, but the pain in her leg reminded her that she couldn't fight her. She still would have fought her if it weren't for Iroh. He stuck out his hand, blocking her from rushing at Azula, before saying, "To what do we owe this honor?"

"Hmm," Azula said, tapping a manicured fingernail against her chin, "must be a family trait. Both of you so quick to get to the point." The sound of the shell shattering beneath her sharp nails made Asake jump. Azula seriously broke another one of her seashells. How could this fourteen-year-old girl be so scary? "I've come with a message from home. Father's changed his mind. Family is suddenly very important to him. He's heard rumors of plans to overthrow him - treacherous plots. Family are the only ones you can really trust." She glanced at her brother and uncle, her face softer in the afternoon light. Everything about her screamed that she was telling the truth. Asake didn't believe her for one second. "Father regrets your banishment. He wants you home."

"What about me?" Asake asked, making Azula face her. Azula's face wasn't as soft as it was before. No, there was a gleam of hate in her eyes as she looked at Asake. "Do I get to go home?"

Azula cocked her head to the side, thinking for a second. "He never said anything about you. I don't care if you come home or not because I'm here for my brother and uncle."

Asake huffed, shaking her head. She couldn't stand being with someone who only cared about themselves. She had experienced it a lot with Zuko; it must have been a family trait that Azula and Zuko shared. However, Zuko was slowly growing out of that phase. She didn't think Azula would. "You know what? I don't think I will."

"Whatever suits you," Azula said, shrugging. She faced Zuko again. He hadn't moved a muscle at all. It looked like he didn't believe Azula, but Asake couldn't be sure. Everything about him was closed off, like there was something going on in his mind. "Did you hear me, Zuko? You should be happy. Excited. Grateful. I just gave you great news."

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