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One year later...

"Ladies and gentleman introducing the bride and groom, Mr and Mrs Jaxx" Emilia says as I walk outside onto the huge green hand in hand with my new husband. Husband. The word felt alien to my mind. It was going to take some getting used to. But I loved it. Loved him. I could not believe even in this moment that I was lucky enough to have the delicious man that was Abel by my side. We had been through so much since we had met over a year ago now, but it had only served to make us stronger as a couple. And now we were married. Ready to take on a new adventure. It was both exciting and scary.

"Ready for our first dance my beautiful wife" Abel whispers and I shiver. The word wife sounded strange coming from his mouth, but I loved the way it sounded. I loved the fact that he was mine. Always and forever. "Always" I say as he takes my hand and we step out on to the makeshift dance floor. Everyone began to laugh a little as the song began to play but I loved it and Abel had not minded. He had just wanted me to be happy. I knew it was a little cheesy. The song was from Lion King 2 after all. But I loved it and it fit quite well. 'Love Will Find A Way' played as Abel pulled me to him and snaked an arm around my waist. I laid my head on his shoulder as we began to sway from side to side to the music. "I love you so much" He whispered in my ear as we swayed and I smiled. "I should hope so, you are kind of stuck with me now" I tease and I feel him chuckle where my head is rested. "I love you too" I say a few moments later after he spins me and brings me back to him. He smiles a lopsided grin, something he had been doing a lot more of lately and kissed me softly. As the music faded out and changed I watched as more of our family and friends emerged on the dance floor with us. I smiled and took a step back from the dance floor while Abel went and got us both a drink.

"I'm glad he makes you so happy sweetheart. I was worried he would break your heart with his playboy ways. But it has seemed that my daughter has managed to tame him" My father says with a chuckle. I smile. "Thanks, it was not easy I will say. But I got there in the end" I say with a laugh. My father laughed. Things had been getting better between us over the last six months. I had been really trying to mend the broken relationship between us, because I knew it was what mum would have wanted. 'Oh mum, I wish you were here with me now, to celebrate this day. You would have loved Abel' I thought as memories of my mother flooded my brain. As if my father knew where my mind had gone he said "Your mother will be here with you today. She will be so proud of the woman your becoming and the life you are making for yourself" Tears formed in my eyes and I hugged my father. "Thank you" I say as a few tears escaped down my cheeks. My father hugged me back and released me just as Abel re-emerged. "I did not leave you with her so you could make her cry" He groaned and my father chuckled. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't help it" My father said with a chuckle before he disappeared to find his wife. They had gotten married about four months ago. I had actually attended the wedding. Which had surprised both my father and his wife. But I knew he had appreciated me coming and that it had meant a lot to him that I had gone. I think that had been the turning point of our relationship.

I take the drink from Abel and gulp it down. He looks at me in amazement. "Thirsty are we" He says with a smirk. "Yeah, but not for what you are thinking" I say and he winks. "I bet I could make you thirsty for me though" He whispers throatily in my ear. My body shivers in response and I turn to face him. His arms wrap around me and pull me close as his lips meet mine. "Sorry to interrupt, but I need to borrow your wife. Please and thank you" Emilia says appearing out of seemingly nowhere just as Abel and I pull apart for air. "You know she's mine now right Emilia. You can't keep stealing her" Abel whines and Emilia chuckles. "Oh Abel. Sweet naïve Abel. A ring on her finger is not going to stop me stealing her. It just means it's more entertaining watching you sulk when I do" she says before she takes my hand and drags me away from a pouting Abel.

Innocence Auction (Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon