Chapter 5

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Today was the day. Interview day. I still could not believe I had actually gotten an interview in the first place if I were being honest. In fact I hadn't believed it that much, I had gotten Emilia to read the email to me 10x. Even then it still did not sink in. Afterall what would a big publishing company want with a college student as its P.A. It just did not make sense. Emilia had assured me it was because I was amazing and intelligent. Though I had just shaken my head at her and told her to stop trying to butter me up. I thought it was more likely that I was either being pranked, or they wanted cheap labour. As a student, they could technically get away with paying me less as I was not necessarily qualified for the position. I sighed and tried to get my mass of curls to co-operate into some resemblance of a ponytail. They were not doing as I wanted though sadly and although I did manage to get my hair up, it was far from the tidy ponytail I was going for. I stand up and smooth down my skirt before looking in the mirror. I was wearing a tight-fitting black skirt that stopped just above my knee and a white ruffled blouse. I was going to team it with a black fitted blazer and some black flats. All items of clothing I had obtained on Emilia's strict orders just for this interview. I only hoped it worked in my favour.

"You look amazing and you will smash this interview" Emilia said with excitement as I stepped into the main room. I sighed, not feeling half as confident as she was. But then she was not the one attending the interview. I was. I hated interviews. Even though I had not really had many in my life. They had this way of making me feel vulnerable and unprepared even if I had prepped within an inch of my life beforehand. Which I had. I grabbed my jacket and bag from the table and placed my phone inside. I then grabbed the documents I had been asked to bring and headed to the door. I turned and offered Emilia a small smile and a goodbye, before turning and heading out, the door closing shut with a click behind me.

Heading out onto the street, the sun was beginning to make its way from behind the clouds, causing the temperature to soar. I sighed and wished I had not had to wear a blazer. The sun blared down on my black outfit and I could feel the sweat forming. Please no, I begged silently, not wanting to arrive at my interview smelling horrendous. I held my hand out for the next taxi and quickly slipped inside to escape the sun. Once seated, I let out a sigh and flopped back against the worn material of the seats. I gave the address from the email to the taxi driver and began to look through the documents in my hand. Checking and double checking that I had everything. Though if I did not, it was too late to go back now.

Arriving at my destination, I paid the taxi driver and stepped out into the Chicago heat. I sighed and grasped my bag tightly to my side. I then headed towards the building that towered over me. I paid no mind to the name on the building, too lost in my thoughts about what I needed to say and do, to really notice anything. I walked over to the reception desk and tried to appear more confident than I felt when I began to speak to the lady that was seated there. "I am here for an interview" I say and she nods. "86th floor. They are expecting you" she says, before handing me a visitor pass. I thank her politely and put the pass around my neck before heading for the elevator. When the elevator arrived with an all too familiar ding, I stepped inside and hid at the back. As the floors flew past, my nerves grew. Once the 86th floor shone up on the elevator screen, I sighed and carefully made my way to the door. Stepping out into the brightly lit reception area, the nerves caused my stomach to knot. I slowly approached the desk and prayed the lady here was as nice as the one downstairs. "Hello, I am Amabella. I am here for an interview" I say, trying to keep my voice as steady as possible, as to not give away my nerves. The lady behind the reception desk offered me a knowing smile before she told me to take a seat. I thanked her and took a seat as requested. I then sat there and tried to get my nerves in check, while I watched the receptionist disappear down the corridor. The clicking of her heels on the tile floor almost vibrated through my brain. A moment later, the lady re-emerged. "He is ready to see you now. This way please" she said softly before motioning for me to follow her. I stood up quickly and walked behind her, down the corridor she had just emerged from. As we walked, I sent up a silent prayer that this interview went well.

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