Chapter 18

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Stepping out into the Chicago heat I shook my head to clear the thoughts that kept spinning around and around. I knew I needed a clear head if I was going to hear Lissa out. But I just could not silence my mind, no matter how hard I tried. And trust me I was trying hard. I looked over to the little café I used to love coming too during my first year of college and spotted Lissa's long blonde hair. She offered me a small wave when she noticed it was me. I waved back and set off walking towards her.

"Amabella. I am so glad you came" she says softly as she points to the empty chair next to her. I smile and sit down. "I told you I would" I say simply as I gazed over the menu. Though I did not know why I was bothering. I knew what I was ordering. I ordered the same thing every time. The waitress came over a few moments later and I ordered my usual vanilla latte and blueberry muffin. It was something I did not order anywhere else. But here the blueberry muffins were to die for. "No eye candy today?" Lissa asked, her eyebrows raising in a suggestive manner. "Do you mean Abel?" I ask as the waitress returns with my order. Lissa nods as she sips on her coffee. "He's my boss, he does not go everywhere with me" I say with a shrug. "Oh so you guys are not romantically involved then?" she questions and I understood exactly what she was trying to find out. I find myself wanting to tell her that we were. I mean technically it was not a lie. We had had wild sex last night, and he did want more from me. I just did not know what I wanted. Until this moment. The idea of Lissa stealing Abel away and having her wicked way with him, had my jealousy rising and a sickness forming in my stomach. It was a strange feeling. I had never been a jealous person. Lissa and I had always had different tastes in boys during high school. And Emilia and I had different tastes in college boys too. So I had never experienced jealousy before. It was a bitter emotion.

"No we are not romantically involved" I begrudgingly say. 'Yet' I thought as I watched Lissa's eyes light up. "Ah right. Your missing out there Amabella" she says with a wink. I sigh and make a note to keep an eye out for her around Abel. Because I had this feeling in my gut, that she was now going to make it her sole mission to go after him. "So how is college?" I ask her trying to change the subject. Afterall I had not seen her since she went away to college. I had no idea how she was getting on with it. "It's not bad. I'm not sure it's for me though" she says and I can't help but feel like there was more to what she was saying. Like she was only giving me a half truth. "Oh right, how come?" I ask her curiously, wondering if she would divulge anymore information. "I just don't like my classes. I thought studying art would allow me to tune into my creative self. Draw and paint to my heart is content. But it has not quite worked out that way" she says and I nod in understanding, though I did not fully understand. "How is your mum?" I say changing the subject once more when it was obvious she was not going to say more on the previous topic.

"Yeah she is doing ok" Lissa says dismissively. "Does she know you have come here, I'm sure she wishes you were home with her" I say and I watch as Lissa's face contorts into anger before she quickly shoots me a fake smile. "Yeah she knows I am here. She wanted me to come home for summer break, so I did. But when we found out about your mother's passing, she understood I needed to come here" She says with a shrug and I nod, though I had a feeling she was not telling me the truth. "What about you Amabella, how has college life been treating you?" Lissa asks as she takes another sip of her coffee. I take a bite of my muffin and enjoy the taste while I contemplate how to answer her question.

"Yeah it's been good. I am doing really well in my classes. I have a part time job at Abel's publishing company which is giving me vital real-world experience for my resume. And classes are starting back up next week. So yeah its good" I say giving her a smile. I knew I had given her the half truth version. But even my half-truth version seemed more real and truthful than hers. "I'm glad its all working out for you Amabella. I cannot believe classes start back next week. This summer seems to have gone so fast" Lissa says and I nod in agreement. To say I was wishing the summer away at the beginning, it did seem that classes starting had come around a little too soon. "I hope we can stay in touch when they start back. I want to make our friendship work Amabella" Lissa says and I smile. "Me too" I say and she offers me a small smile.

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