Chapter 10

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Abel's lips met mine and they were not half as demanding as I had expected them to be, given our last kiss and his nature. I kissed him back before I realised who in fact I was kissing. Realising I was with Abel and not Ace was like pouring freezing water over me. I pulled away from Abel and pushed him back. I then stepped back frantically nearly falling in my haste. 'What have I done?' I thought miserably. I did not even bother looking at Abel, instead I turned and ran back into my room, slamming the door as I went. Collapsing at the other side of the door, tears brimmed in my eyes and threatened to spill over. How had I been so stupid? I knew what Abel was capable of. I knew how manipulative and controlling he could be. Yet I had still had lots to drink with him. I wanted so badly to blame all my actions on the alcohol I had consumed. But it was not that easy. I was not drunk. I was tipsy but I was not drunk. I could have and should have stopped him kissing me. I sighed and the tears fell down my cheeks. A knock on the door a moment later caused me to jump and I wiped at my tears frantically. "Go away" I say, pleased when my voice does not break. "Amabella, please let me in" Abel's voice says through the door. His tone is sweet and caring. A tone I do not think I have ever really heard him use before, well apart from today that is. "What so you can try and fuck me too" I snap, the anger at myself and him rising in my chest and replacing the sadness from moments before. "Amabella!" He says but his tone is not as sweet and I know I have angered him slightly. 'Ah the normal Abel is returning' I thought bitterly as I remained seated on the floor. "Just leave me alone! I will not sleep with you ever again!" I scream through the door. Abel does not respond, instead I hear his footsteps move away from the door. A moment later I hear a crash and I knew he had thrown or broken something in anger.

Moving away from the door quietly, I pick up my phone and sit on the bed. I needed to call Ace. I had to be honest with him. If Abel got to him before I did, he would twist the story. Not that Abel knew about Ace and I but still. They were business partners and friends; it was going to come up. I click Ace's number and my breathing stops as the phone rings. "Hello" Ace's voice comes over the line and it causes the tears to fall once more. Guilt wracks my body and I wished like hell I had never come on this trip. "Amabella, what is wrong?" Ace says through the line a moment later. I bite my lip and trying to contain my tears so I can speak. "I am so sorry. It was a mistake. I did not want it to happen. I do not know why it happened. Oh god you are going to hate me!" I say in a rush as the tears threaten to spill once more. "Amabella, please talk to me. What has happened?" Ace says and I can hear the worry in his voice. The sound breaks my heart. But not as much as it was going to break when he found out the truth.

"Abel...Abel...He..." I stutter out. "Amabella what did he do?" Ace asks, and I can tell from his tone that he is apprehensive about what I am about to say. "He kissed me! And I kissed him back, for a moment until I realised it was not you. Then I pushed him away and I ran away. I had had several whiskeys before it happened and I know that is no excuse. I am so sorry. I really did not want to kiss him. It just. He just. I'm so sorry" I rush out, tears spilling down my cheeks once more as I began to sob. I knew Ace was going to hate me for this. We had not even been together a week yet and I had already locked lips with his best friend and business partner. I was the worst secret girlfriend in the world. I cried more when Ace did not respond straight away. I prayed like hell that he would tell me it was ok, that it was not my fault. That he forgave me. But I was not that naïve anymore. I knew he would not forgive me for this. I knew we were over before we had really begun. The thought made my chest ache and my eyes were sore from all the crying I was doing.

I honestly thought Ace had just hung up the phone on me. I looked down at the screen, expecting the call to show it had ended, but it had not. Ace was still there. He was just silent. Which I was not sure was a good thing. "Amabella, baby. Breathe" Ace finally says a moment later and his tone is so soft and gentle it just breaks my heart more. "I do not blame you for this. I know how manipulating Abel can be. It was a mistake. As much as I wish it had not happened, I am grateful you are being honest with me straight away, instead of trying to hide it and pretending it never happened. That would have hurt me more" he explains and I nod though I realise he cannot see it through the phone. "I really am sorry. I do not want Abel. I only want you" I sob down the phone to him. "I know baby, I know. We will get past this; I know this was not you. Though if it makes you feel better, I forgive you. Even though there is not really anything to forgive. Just please keep as far away from him as possible. He will most likely try this again. Possibly even more so now you have just ran away from him. Abel is like a predator and you are the prey" Ace says and his words are like music to my ears, well until the part about Abel being a predator and I the prey anyway. The fact that Ace forgave me and does not blame me, just shows what an amazing man he really is. "I do not deserve you. I promise I will stay away" I say and Ace chuckles down the phone. "It is I that does not deserve you. I miss you so much Amabella" He says softly. My heart aches. "I miss you too" I say softly. "Take care of yourself ok, if you need me, call me" Ace says and I smile. "I will, goodnight" I say before we hang up the phone. Suddenly feeling a little better about the situation now I had spoken to Ace and been honest with him, I decided it was time for bed. So I got under the covers and settled down to go to sleep.

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