Chapter 7

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The alarm let out a shrill ring and I groaned before leaning over and quietening the retched thing once more. I sit up in bed and ponder changing my mind about this whole going to work thing. But thinking about Ace had me rising to my feet. Ace. Gorgeous brown eyed Ace. The man from my new dreams. The man in my new reality. Damn that man was amazing. But I was out of his league. He probably had a supermodel girlfriend. Not that I blamed him. I sighed and shook the thoughts of Ace from my mind. I quietly crept to the kitchen to grab a much-needed morning coffee before I even attempted to get dressed for my first day at Jaxx Publishing Industries. A stone weight like feeling formed in the pit of my stomach when I thought of Abel. I really did not want to work for him, but I needed to swallow my pride because the opportunity he was offering, would do wonders in helping my future career prospects.

Once I had consumed more coffee than any one human probably should, I set about getting dressed for the day ahead. I decided on a tight-fitting black skirt that hugged all my curves. I then teamed it with a white floral short sleeved shirt that showed a little cleavage and some black flats. I tied my hair into a messy ponytail and wisps of curls framed my face. After applying minimal makeup I decided I was as ready as I was going to be. One last look in the mirror before I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I managed to get a taxi straight away and as I sat down in the back of it, I felt the nerves catch up with my body, causing my stomach to knot.

Reaching Jaxx Publishing Industries I paid the taxi driver and took a deep breath before I stepped out the taxi and on to the sidewalk. The world was buzzing even at this early hour. People were going about their daily lives, rushing off to work or taking a leisurely stroll to soothe a restless baby. I sighed once more and tugged down my skirt before I headed inside the building. I did not bother going to the main reception, instead I headed straight for the lift and pressed the button. A ding a moment later alerted me to the presence of the lift and I quickly stepped inside and hid myself in the back. As well dressed as I had felt back in the dorms, I suddenly felt under dressed in the left with all these business men and women. I sighed and stared at the floor while I waited for my floor to arrive. Stepping out of the elevator sometime later, I was relieved to be surrounded by significantly less people. I was just about to approach the receptionist when a familiar honey voice caught my attention. "Good morning Amabella" Ace called warmly and I smiled and offered him a small wave. He smiled as he approached and guided me past the receptionist. "Where are we going?" I question a little confused and he smiles. "My office of course" he says softly, his face so close to me it causes my body to shiver. "I thought I was here to work for Abel" I say, confusion evident in my tone. Though in all honesty I was happy to go to Ace's office. The less time I spent with Abel the better. However I did not want to deal with his well-known wrath for being late on my first day. "I will let you go to Abel soon I promise. I just wanted some time alone with you myself to help you get settled" He says with a wink. I feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I look down to the floor sheepishly.

We stop a few moments later inside a huge glass office, very similar to the one I was in for my interview. This too had a view to outside, and I decided to take a look. I walked over to the window and gazed out as Ace began to explain the run down of my job and what was expected of me. I nodded and responded at the correct points; my eyes transfixed on the world outside to stop me being transfixed on the man inside the room instead. Though I could feel he was getting closer to me every time he spoke. His presence made my skin tingle in a pleasant way and a blush formed on my cheeks. "And that is the job basically" he almost whispered in my ear. I jumped slightly at how close he suddenly was. I could feel one of his arms behind my back and I could not help but to wonder what this might look like to anyone looking in. Afterall the office was glass. I took a step away from Ace and I heard him whimper slightly. "People might talk you know" I say with a wink as I turn to face him. He chuckles. "Oh yeah, what would they be saying" he teases. "Ooh look at her, not even done her first day yet and shes already trying to get her claws into the boss" I say in a mimicry voice that causes Ace to laugh. The sound is magical and washes over me, causing a happiness to form. It was so easy being around Ace. He was so lovely to get along with and not bad to look at either. Standing here with him, I suddenly did not feel like the new girl that did not belong. I felt like I was right where I should be. Or I did until...

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