Chapter 2

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Closing my laptop, I sighed and checked the time on my phone. 3:20am. I stretched and yawned. My eyes burned from both tiredness and spending too much time staring at a screen. But I felt much more informed, even if my tired brain could not process it all right now. I dragged my weary body into bed and settled down. As tired as my body felt, I felt lighter for the first time in the last six months. 'are you really going to go through with it though?' I thought to myself as my eyes began to close. I had no choice though. I was not asking my excuse of a father for the money. I could not talk to my mum about it, otherwise she would know I lied to her. I did not have a job. And I needed this qualification if I wanted to become a publisher. So therefore, I did not have much of an option. It was my virginity or an organ...and well my virginity seemed less risky. Didn't it? 'oh, I don't know. My head hurts' I thought with a yawn. I closed my eyes, deciding I would worry about this in the morning. And with that I drifted off to sleep.

"Wakey wakey sleepy head!" A voice echoed through my sleepy state, just before a physical object smacked my head. "Ouch!" I muttered as I opened my eyes, the blaring daylight causing me to blink repeatedly as my eyes adjusted. I looked down, to spot a pillow on my body. "Did you seriously just throw a pillow at me?" I grumbled, throwing it on to the floor. Emilia shot me an innocent look, but it did not last long. Her face broke out into a huge smile. "I may have done" she replied innocently. I rolled my eyes and sat up in bed. I looked at the time on my phone. 8am. Seriously! She woke me up at 8am in the holidays! I groan internally. I loved Emilia to bits, but sometimes, I wish I lived alone. I quite enjoyed my own company, and right now I could do with a bit of my own company. "It is 8am Emilia!" I said simply, my tone implying my distaste to the hour. "Well, I'm glad to see you can read the time" Emilia replied sarcastically, and I rolled my eyes and groaned once more. I just needed her to leave me be. I had some more research to do before I made my auction live, and the last thing I needed was Emilia's disapproving gaze looking over my shoulder. "Did you have a reason for your intrusion?" I asked her. Emilia smiled a wicked smile. "I had some plans yes" she said, her grin becoming wider than the Cheshire cats. "Well cancel them. I'm not going" I mutter, and I watch as Emilia's face drops. "Oh" she says, and I cannot help but to feel a little guilty. I knew I was being a bad friend right now, but my financial issues were more pressing. Therefore, I needed to prioritise, even if that did mean I had to hurt my friend a little. She would recover from my knockback. Or so I hoped. "Please Amabella, just come with for a few hours" Emilia pleaded as I shook my head. I heard Emilia sigh, but she did not bother repeating her argument. I think deep down she knew it was a lost cause. "Ok, well if you change your mind, text me" Emilia said with a sad tone. I nodded and watched as she walked out the room. When the door slammed shut behind her, a wave of calm took the place of her presence. I relaxed slightly in bed, stretching slightly before getting out of bed. 'Shower, then to work' I thought to myself as I headed to the bathroom.

Creating an auction to sell my virginity. It was not that big a deal, right? I had convinced myself that it wasn't. That girls all over the world, gave their virginity away for free. At least auctioning mine off, meant I was gaining something from it. An education. That is what I was telling myself anyway, as I began to create the auction on my computer a few hours later. I sighed, running a hand through my still damp and tangled hair. 'who was I kidding' I thought to myself glumly. No one in their right mind, was going to want to pay the amount of money I needed to ultimately sleep with a first timer. It is not like I had the sexual experience to justify the price. Hence the virginity side of the auction. I was kind of just hoping, someone would kind of just take pity on my desperation really. I continued to tap away on my computer, putting the finishing pieces to my auction. I was just about to click the button to make it live when a hand touched my shoulder.

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