Chapter 20

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Waking up the next morning I could not help but to feel a little like the cat that has gotten the cream. Afterall I was waking up beside a woman I could have only dreamed off. Except she was real and she was sleeping soundly beside me. I laid and watched her sleeping, not quite believing she was real. Afterall good things like her did not happen to me. Not usually anyway. I mean I was not a very nice man. I was ruthless and unfeeling. Except when it came to her. With her I was a different man completely, I was soft and gentle and I had feelings I had never felt before coursing through my body. It was a strange but welcoming experience. I reached my hand out and stroked her brown hair and as I did so, her eyes flickered open. "Morning" she said sleepily and I smiled. "Morning" I say softly before leaning down and kissing her. She blushes slightly and kisses me back before she slowly sits up. "So what are we doing for your last day of freedom then?" I ask and she chuckles. "You make it sound like I'm going to jail in the morning" she says with a laugh. "I mean its practically the same thing" I say with a shrug.

I really did not understand why she was forcing herself to continue attending college. I knew she dreamt of being a publisher, but she did not need to go to college to achieve that dream. Not anymore. I could give it to her on a plate. The job, the hands-on experience, 'in more than just publishing' I thought wickedly. Everything she could ever dream off I could and would give her. I always thought my work was my world, but now my world had changed. She was my world and for her I would give her the world. And anything else her heart desires. Including her dream job. But she was too stubborn to accept it. It is something I both loved and hated about her. I loved her stubbornness because it was sexy as fuck and a major turn on. However I hated it in situations like these where it meant she turned down my offer for the sake of her own pride and achievements. I just did not get it. I sighed. I did get it really. I have never been a man to accept a hand out. Everything I have I have built myself from the ground up, with some support from Ace. Though ultimately I did build it myself. So I can sort of see why she did not want me to just hand her the job. She wanted to earn it herself and I admired her for that, even if it did drive me fucking crazy.

"It's hardly the same thing" she says with a chuckle. "Anyway I am not spending it with you today remember. I promised Emilia I would spend our last day before college together" She says and I immediately pout. "I thought you might have changed your mind about that. Plus Emilia is going to have you lots at college" I whine and she laughs. "Abel you sound like a child right now who isn't getting his own way" she says and I pout more. "That's because I feel like a child that is being told no" I say and she laughs before she gets out of bed. "Emilia won't see me anymore than you will. If anything she will see me less. Because I will be working in your office when I have free time outside of lectures. And I can guarantee most nights you will convince me to stay here instead of the dorms. So seeing as I do not actually have any lectures with Emilia. It's safe to say she deserves my time today" Amabella says and I sigh because I know deep down she's right but I'm too fucking selfish to want her to spend time with anyone else. I want her all to myself.

"So will you be coming back to me tonight" I say as my arms wrap around her. She is dressed and ready to leave and I am trying my best to keep her with me longer. Though she can see straight through my stalling tactics. I can tell. "I'm afraid you're on your own tonight big man" she says stepping out of my arms. "You wound me with your words Amabella" I say feigning pain and holding my chest dramatically. Amabella rolls her eyes at me and chuckles, her hand on the door. Time was running out and as pathetic as it was to admit it. I was going to fucking miss that girl when she was gone. But ultimately I guess I had to get used to her being around less. It was clear she was not backing down on the whole college thing, so I was going to have to share her with Emilia and college as much as I did not want to. "I'm sure you will live" she teases and I sigh. "Can I at least have a goodbye kiss?" I ask her sulkily. She chuckles and walks towards me, her arms snake around my neck and her irresistible lips meet mine. The kiss is full of passion and need and it takes all I have not to pick her up and carry her back to bed to show her what she is missing out on. I resist the urge though and the kiss ends too soon. With one last goodbye, she steps out the door, leaving nothing but the fragrance of her behind in wake. 'I guess I should get some work done then' I thought bitterly before I turn on my heel and get to work.

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