eardrops » minlix

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baby space!felix

lixie has an ear infection and needs eardrops but he doesn't like them :(

requested by Fanfics023 and i hope you enjoy!


Minho hated hearing Felix cry. For him, it was the worst sound in the world, and his chest always felt uncomfortably tight when he saw the tears roll down Felix's red cheeks. All he wanted was for Felix to be happy, and seeing him so distraught was unlike his usual bubbly, energetic self. Minho hated it.

Felix had been crying a lot more recently since he got his ear infection. Minho wasn't sure how he got it, but Felix had been complaining while he was big that he was having constant headaches which soon traveled to his left ear. And so Minho went to the doctors with him one day after work and they told Felix there that he had an ear infection and prescribed him eardrops to use three times a day.

Now, it was a well-known fact that Felix didn't like going to the doctors or getting prescriptions, and eardrops were definitely something Felix wasn't keen on. When he was big, he managed to suck it up and do it himself, but Felix had been more little than big recently, and he definitely made it clear that he didn't want his eardrops.

Tears ran down his hot little red cheeks as Minho gripped his wrist, trying to keep Felix on his lap. Minho's grip wasn't hard, but Felix's struggling only made it worse, and Minho felt himself begin to simmer with frustration. He wasn't angry or anything, just annoyed and overwhelmed that Felix wouldn't take his eardrops, and because he was crying so much.

"Baby, please, come here," Minho begged, exasperation clear in his voice. But Felix kept crying, and Minho really had no idea what to do. He didn't want to cry, as that would be embarrassing, but he really felt like he was about to. "Princess, Daddy needs to do these for you so you get better. Please, baby."

But Felix only kept crying, and Minho couldn't stop the tears filling his own eyes. Felix's sobs hit Minho like a brick, and Minho reached for Felix's face, cupping his teary cheeks and running his thumbs over his cheekbones. Like this, Felix was forced to look at Minho, and when he saw the tears glistening in his caregiver's eyes, his loud sobs started to calm down.

"Hi, baby," Minho cooed slowly, smiling as he kissed Felix's forehead. "Baby, Daddy needs to give you these eardrops so you won't feel the hurties anymore."

At the mention of eardrops, Felix whined and started fussing in Minho's lap again, but Minho was quick to shush him.

"No, no, baby, shh~" he shushed gently. "Baby doesn't like hurties, does he?"

Felix shook his head with a small pout and teary eyes.

"Daddy doesn't like seeing his angel with hurties either. It hurts Daddy when his baby is all sad," Minho's voice cracked towards the end, and he let go of one of Felix's cheeks to wipe at his own eyes. "Daddy won't hurt you, princess. So will you let Daddy give you the medicine?"

Felix whimpered but nodded anyway, and Minho felt a weight lift off of his shoulders. He felt like crying all over again as he kissed Felix's forehead again, letting his lips linger there while he dropped the eardrops into Felix's ear. Felix whined and Minho shushed him softly, pressing little kisses to his forehead over and over again.

When he was done, Minho pulled away and kissed Felix's chubby cheeks in rapid succession, and when he heard Felix giggle. It had been so long since he'd heard Felix giggle, and the sound was like music to Minho's ears. He pulled Felix close to him, letting Felix rest his head on Minho's chest as he gurgled to himself.

"My good little boy," Minho praised with a whisper, stroking Felix's hair and pulling his legs up to his chest so Felix was sitting comfortably in Minho's lap. "I love you so much, baby. My good boy."


i'm all emotional now and idk why :(
lee know is the softest dom in stray kids and that's a fact people

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