overload » minsung

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jisung goes into sensory overload so if that makes you uncomfortable then please don't read :)


Jisung honestly thought he would be able to manage today. Sure, he'd woken up irritated, but that was only because Hyunjin had forced him awake and torn him away from the amazing dream he had been having. But Chan had been able to cheer him up a bit with some breakfast, encouraging Jisung to keep his head up today.

And Jisung intended to do just that. That was until he walked into the dance studio. He'd arrived a few minutes after everyone else, so loud music was already playing, and Jisung could feel his headache increasing as the bass from the music thrummed through his veins.

"Jisung, come on, you're late!" Minho scolded teasingly, grabbing the younger boy's arm and dragging him to his position.

Stretching his legs and rolling his neck in preparation, Jisung sighed heavily.

'Come on, Jisung, you're a professional,' he thought to himself. 'You've been through much worse than a headache before.'

Only half convinced that he could make it through this dance practice, Jisung got himself into position as the song restarted, squeezing his eyes shut as the music began playing louder than he'd expected it to.

He tried to dance to the best of his abilities, but he couldn't really see much due to his eyes being half-closed. When did this room get so bright?

"Jisung?" Felix said, cautiously placing a hand on the rapper's shoulder. "Hey, are you ok?"

Jisung nodded as the music stopped, and he let out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry, I just have a really bad headache," he apologised. "Would you mind turning the music down just a bit? Please?"

"No problem," Changbin answered, walking over to where his phone was sitting on one of the empty counters.

Given the short break they had, Minho looked over at Jisung, eyebrows creasing in concern at the boy's pale face and dazed expression. Something was seriously wrong with Jisung, and the dancer was about to inquire when the music started up again, a bit quieter this time.

Though, looking over at Jisung, Minho could still tell the music was too loud and the song had barely started yet. Minho kept his eye on Jisung up until the chorus where the beat dropped, and that was when he knew for sure that something had to be done about Jisung.

Once the inevitable beat dropped, Jisung pressed his hands to his ears tightly and crouched down on the floor, squeezing his eyes shut so tightly that he saw stars. Everyone noticed, of course, but Minho was kneeling down in front of the younger boy in seconds, yelling for someone to turn the music off.

Once the room was silent save for Jisung's sniffles, Minho decided to take action.

"Jisung, baby, it's ok now," he reassured softly, hands coming up to softly grip Jisung's wrists, running his thumbs over whichever area of skin he could reach. "The music's stopped, Sungie, it's ok."

When Jisung didn't reply and just kept sniffling, Minho turned around and made eye contact with the first person he saw, which happened to be Hyunjin.

"Can you dim the lights a bit, please?" He asked, and Hyunjin nodded, jogging over to the several light switches near the entrance to the room.

He turned the volume of the lights down to about halfway, encasing the room in a soothing dim light.

Jisung's eyes slowly opened, swimming with tears and wide with fear.

"Good boy!" Minho praised, taking one of his hands from Jisung's to stroke the boy's dark red hair. "See, baby? It's all ok now."

Jisung sniffled again and moved one hand so it was cupping his own ear, silently telling Minho what he wanted. Minho smiled, leaning in so his mouth was near Jisung's ear and he began to speak quietly.

"It's quiet isn't it, baby?" He near enough whispered, and Jisung nodded. "Why don't we go back to the dorm and Minho-hyung will bake you some cookies, yeah?"

Jisung nodded again, slowly removing both hands from his ears and whimpering at all the eyes on him. Chan knelt down next to the shaking boy and started to stroke his hair lovingly.

"Go on, sweetie, I think you deserve a break today," the eldest reassured, and Minho helped the younger off of the floor.

"We'll see you at the dorm later, ok, Sungie?" Chan confirmed, and Jisung nodded again, too shy and too little to reply verbally.

"Come on, baby, those cookies won't bake themselves!" Minho exclaimed softly, holding Jisung's hand as he led him out of the room.

When they got back, Jisung immediately made grabby hands at Minho, and the dancer chuckled before picking him up.

"How do you expect Minho-hyung to make cookies if you're clinging to me like a koala, hm?" He teased, and Jisung buried his face in the crook of Minho's neck. "Do you want to sit on the counter and watch, baby?"

Jisung shook his head, and Minho furrowed his eyebrows in concern.

"What do you want then, love?" He asked softly, and Jisung whined into his neck. "You gotta tell me, baby, otherwise I can't do anything."

"Cuddwes," the rapper finally said, and Minho smiled.

"Cuddles it is then, baby."


this was probably terribly inaccurate i'm sorry

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