video call » chanlix

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chan is back in australia for family business and felix misses him :(

apparently this chapter didn't post when i clicked published😭😭


Felix sat with his blanket cuddled close to his chest as Minho adjusted his phone to stand against the pile of books he had placed there.

"There we go, baby, all ready for you," Minho said with a smile as he pulled away, giving Felix the option to adjust the phone anymore if need be. "Would you like me to stay here or go somewhere else?"

Felix looked up at Minho with big, unsure eyes as his fists clenched around the blanket in his tiny hands.

"Tell you what, Lixie," the elder said, kneeling down beside Felix. "Minnie and Binnie will be outside if you need us, ok? Just yell for us or come and get us and we'll be here, yeah, baby?"

Felix nodded and held onto his blanket tighter. Suddenly, the phone in front of him started ringing, vibrating against the table with Chan's contact flashing across the screen. Felix flinched, and Minho rubbed his back.

"Go on, sweetheart, we'll be outside," Minho smiled once more before leaving Felix with his phone. The little looked at it hesitantly as he reached out to press the accept button, and then the ringing stopped.

He could see Chan. Chan who he remembered so vividly in his mind from spending everyday with him, but Chan who he also couldn't remember the last time he'd seen him. Realistically, it hadn't been that long, maybe a week, but when you go from seeing someone everyday to not seeing them for a week, seeing them again feels foreign.

Chan had the lights on, and the dim yellow light made the bags under his eyes stand out more despite how he smiled brightly at Felix. Felix, on the other hand, had the lights off, his little freckled face illuminated by the light coming from Minho's phone. Like this, his freckles stood out more, and Chan couldn't help cooing.

"Baby," he said quietly, as if he was sitting right in front of Felix. "I really wish I could just hold your face right now."

Felix went into this knowing he would cry, but he didn't anticipate crying this early on. Just hearing Chan's voice was enough to make his heart ache, but coupled with the words he'd just said, Felix found his cheeks feeling cold with the urge to have Chan holding them.

"Daddy," he whimpered, clutching his blanket closer to his chest as tears filled his eyes.

"Hey, baby," Chan cooed, sitting forward so his face was closer to the camera. "Baby, it's ok, Daddy's here."

"Daddy!" Felix cried, clutching his blanket so tightly in his hands that his knuckles turned white. Tears were falling down his little cheeks so fast that they dripped onto his blanket, but Felix didn't care. Chan was here.

"Shh, baby, shh," Chan shushed gently. "Come here, baby, good boy."

Felix shuffled closer on Minho's desk chair, hiking half of his blanket up onto the desk and resting his arms on it, letting his head fall to his arms as he looked at Chan sideways through teary eyes.

"There's my beautiful baby," Chan cooed, tilting his own head to the side to see Chan properly. "Wipe those tears, angel. A pretty baby like you shouldn't be all sad."

"Can't help it, Daddy," Felix whimpered, muffled by his blanket as he rubbed his face into it, getting rid of his tears. "Missed Daddy."

"I know, princess," Chan replied, smiling sadly. "Daddy's missed you too, beautiful."

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