rewards » hyunsung

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jisung's been a good boy all week, so hyunjin decides to take him shopping :)

requested by SUNGIELUVR and i hope you enjoy!


Jisung couldn't stop bouncing as Hyunjin attempted to fasten the skirt around the younger's waist. Normally, Hyunjin would try and use his authoritative voice to try and get Jisung to calm down, but Jisung had been so good this week and this was his reward, so Hyunjin decided he deserved to be excited.

"Stay still for Daddy, my silly bunny," he said with a smile. Jisung listened instantly, covering his mouth with his sweater clad hands as he let out a giggle. "Good boy!"

Hyunjin finished fastening the skirt around Jisung's tiny waist, tickling his baby's sides with his fingers before standing up and kissing his forehead.

"Ready to go, love?" He asked, smiling more as Jisung nodded excitedly, blonde hair bouncing with the movement of his head. "Let's go, then, baby!"

It was warm enough outside that Jisung shouldn't need a jacket, but Hyunjin stuffed one into his bag anyway - always believing it was better to be safe than sorry. The past week had been very stressful for both Jisung and Hyunjin, with Hyunjin having much more work than necessary to do for the dance classes he taught. Recently, a lot more students had been joining the programme and Hyunjin wasn't surprised.

He never did like to toot his own horn, but since he graduated from university with the highest grade one could get for dance, he began working at a very prestigious dance company - one of the biggest in Seoul - as a hip-hop teacher. He was only young, but he had become one of the most successful hip-hop dance teachers in the area, earning himself a very good reputation.

So, it really was no surprise that Hyunjin had been so busy, but the number of hours he'd had to work in just one week was ridiculous. When he was supposed to only be working 30 hours, he'd ended up working 70, and with Jisung still attending university, Hyunjin always got home when Jisung was already asleep and left to go to work before Jisung had even woken up on most days. Some days it had been the other way around, with Jisung leaving before Hyunjin, but the point was that Hyunjin hadn't spent any real time with Jisung for a whole week.

And it was beginning to get to Jisung - a lot. Which lead to a breakdown on the younger's behalf only the night before, where he'd cried his eyes out and explained how he felt like Hyunjin had no time for him anymore. Jisung had also been performing very well in his studies and Hyunjin would normally do something with him to celebrate like taking him out for dinner but he had just been so busy that he couldn't.

And that was how Hyunjin had decided he was taking the weekend off to spoil Jisung like he deserved to be spoiled. It had lost him a bit of money, but nothing catastrophic so Hyunjin wasn't too bothered by it, and focused on making sure Jisung had the best day ever.

He'd dressed Jisung in a pastel blue sweater which he tucked into Jisung's favourite white skirt and white converse trainers. It was safe to say Jisung looked adorable, and Jisung definitely loved hearing his boyfriend and caregiver give him all the praises and nicknames.

"I think my baby looks so cute today!" Hyunjin exclaimed as they were walking down the street towards the town centre where all the shops were. A lot of people were giving Jisung and Hyunjin funny looks, what with Jisung dressed like a girl and talking like a baby, but Hyunjin made sure to distract Jisung with something new every time.

"Daddy keeps saying that today!" Jisung giggled, swinging their arms back and forth with their connected hands.

"Ah, but that's only because it's true, gorgeous!" Hyunjin replied, pinching Jisung's cheek gently and causing the younger to giggle more. "What shops does my baby want to go to today? Baby can get anything he wants!"

"Why anything, Daddy?" Jisung asked, looking up at Hyunjin in awe.

"Because my baby has been so good and patient with Daddy this week!" Hyunjin answered, lifting their connected hands to his lips so he could kiss the back of Jisung's hand. "And Daddy is very sorry for not paying his beautiful baby boy enough attention. This is baby's reward for doing so well in his classes and sticking with Daddy!"

"But baby will always stay with Daddy!" Jisung exclaimed, bouncing happily and causing his skirt to fly up around his waist. Good thing Hyunjin decided to put a pair of undershorts on Jisung or his boxers would've been exposed.

"My good baby!" Hyunjin fueled into Jisung's excitement, loving it when his baby got this happy and excited. Jisung really deserved it right now and he hoped that he always knew that.

"Can baby get more skirts, pwease, Daddy? And pwetty earrings!" Jisung asked and Hyunjin kissed the back of his hand again.

"Of course, sweetheart," he answered with a smile. "Anything for my good little boy."


i hope you enjoyed! i loved writing this hehe <3

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