attention » jeongchan

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you guys really loved 'frustrated' and keep requesting ones similar to it and i am happy to deliver! this was requested by Hayes_William and i hope you enjoy!


Jeongin was bored.

It happened all the time - especially when he was little and when there was no one to play with him. Although, Felix and Jisung had offered to let Jeongin play video games with them and Jeongin had declined, so he couldn't say that nobody tried.

But Jeongin wanted Chan, his caregiver, who wasn't really giving him much care recently. Jeongin did understand that he was incredibly busy, but he was the one who took on the responsibility of being Jeongin's caregiver, and surely he must've known what that came with.

He knew he probably shouldn't have, but Jeongin decided to go down to Chan's studio. He wouldn't do anything, just sit there and maybe convince Chan to come back to the dorm with him and play shopping. Jeongin knew Chan loved playing shopping with him, as he'd told him plenty of times before.

He knocked before entering, hearing Chan's gruff 'come in' before he opened the door and smiled at his caregiver. Chan half-smiled back, not annoyed to see Jeongin, but not entirely happy either.

"Hi, baby," he said, turning around in his chair to face Jeongin. "What's up, Innie?"

"Innie bored, Daddy," Jeongin answered, pouting as he closed the door behind him. "Can Innie sit with Daddy, pwease?"

Chan chewed on his bottom lip before sighing and pointing to the couch pressed against the wall. "You have to be good for Daddy, baby, or you'll have to go back to the dorm, ok?"

Jeongin's face lit up as he bounced over to the couch and jumped on it, rolling around on the furniture until he found a comfortable position to lie in. Chan rolled his eyes but chuckled nonetheless, and Jeongin giggled at hearing his caregiver laugh.

Jeongin did try to be good - he really wanted to be good because an angry Chan was never a fun Chan - but soon enough, he got bored. It began with Jeongin rolling over a lot on the couch, tossing and turning and huffing, and of course Chan heard him - he just decided to ignore him. Until Jeongin sighed loudly and Chan's patience snapped.

He turned around suddenly in his chair and glared at Jeongin. "Innie, please, baby. I need you to be quiet or to leave. This work is very important to Daddy."

The soft scolding tone Chan was using didn't make Jeongin feel any better. He wanted to snuggle into Chan's lap and have Chan speak to him like he was a good boy. He wanted Chan's attention, and he wasn't getting it.

"No, Daddy!" He yelled, standing up with teary eyes. "Daddy doesn't care 'bout Innie anymore! Daddy onwy wants to do stupid work!"

Chan, who was taken aback by Jeongin's outburst, frowned and stood up himself. If Jeongin weren't taller than Chan, he would've been scared.

"This 'stupid work' is what's keeping us all in the group, Jeongin," he replied curtly, and Jeongin's bottom lip quivered. "You're gonna have to leave, baby, I can't be dealing with this right now."

And with that, Chan turned back round and sat in his chair again, swiveling away from Jeongin and getting back to work. But Jeongin wasn't having thay.

"No, Daddy," he cried, surging forward to try and hug Chan from behind. He just wanted his daddy again. But he failed to notice the charger lead on the floor as he tripped over it. Bracing his hand on the back of Chan's chair, Jeongin's other hand touched the first thing he could find, which just so happened to be a headphone stand with Chan's - very - expensive headphones on there.

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