Chapter 27: A War of Emotions

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"Just my life... and the dangers of the secrets I keep."

Dobby shifted uncomfortably.

I sighed, and ate the rest of my meal under Dobby's innocent stare.

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I returned to the common room later while hearing big bouts of shouting going on, and when I saw who was fighting I shook my head. Draco and Becky were pretty much screeching at each other while the Slytherins in the room watched with piqued interest.

Becky was sarcastically retorting, "Oh, I'm sorry, could you repeat that again? I couldn't hear you over your arrogance!!"

"Being arrogant is better than being stupid!!" Draco said, his face growing red. "But I'll repeat it for you anyways, oh deaf one! Going to the ball with a Weasley I should've been expecting, but dating him is completely out of the question!! You — should — not — be — going — out — with — him!!!"

"Ooh, was that what you said with all the buzz I heard from your mouth? I didn't realize you became my dad! When did my real dad give you this job, I wonder? No? He didn't? Well then don't tell me what I can and can't do, Draco Malfoy! I make my own decisions!"

"Very bad decisions, at that! You're just dating him because you want to be different! You're about as interested in him as I am with myself!!"

She stormed over to the stairs to the girls' dormitory shouting "If the shoe fits!!!"

Draco raced after her, but he no sooner got up the second step than the steps turned into a slide and he slipped backwards, crashing to the floor.

A few snickers broke out, here and there. Then there was the normal everyday chatter once more.

I had to hold back my smile as I went over to Draco's side, holding my hand out to him.

"Oh, thanks," he said, looking up in embarrassment and taking my hand. I pulled him up to his feet, the smile tugging at my lips so harshly that I held my hand to my mouth. He eyed me warningly, "Don't laugh."

"I'm — I'm trying — so hard, I assure you —" I said, small chuckles getting through. "I didn't — I didn't realize the stairs — would do that."

"Yeah... but yet they don't do it for our dormitory." He was very disgruntled, obviously referring to the year Becky and I went upstairs to the boys' room to wake them up on Christmas morning.

"Hehe.. well, I suppose you're just unhappy because she won that round before you could finish it off," I said, smiling brightly.

He was looking towards the stairs when I said that, and scowled. But once he turned to look at me, his scowl faltered and he instead gave a small chuckle. "She might use that tactic again."

"Most likely —"

"What're you talking about over here?" Marcus had come up to us, looking quite livid at that moment.

Draco's lips took an immediate downturn — and, for that matter, so did mine.

"I don't recall inviting you over here..." I said frostily. "But, since you're here, I might as well say we were just talking about his little fiasco with Becky. I suppose you saw it?"

He gave a smug smile, and said, "Yes, I saw the whole thing — quite a lovers' row, don't you think?"

Draco was really frowning at him then. "That was not —"

Melody Riddle and the Goblet of FireOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz