Fist Bump

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Gadget's POV

"We've got less than an hour before Eggman's plan goes down" Knuckles said "There's no time. We have to break into the fortress now" Shadow said "Indeed this is it--our last opportunity to bring peace back into the world" Silver said "But...when the battle ends, we'll have to part with Sonic and Brody--I mean this Sonic and Brody--won't we?" Tails asks sad "Yes if the phantom ruby is gone, I guess they'll be returned to their dimension" Amy said "Thank you for everything, Young Sonic and Brody. I'll never forget what you two did for us" Tails said and the other Sonic and Brody smike giving a thumbs up "Save the sentiments for later. This is not over yet. We still have a battle to fight" Espio said "Exactly. This is our last chance. Give it everything you've got!" Knuckles said and we all nodded and we all started to make our way to Eggman's Empire Fortress.

*At the Imperial Tower*

"Let's go!" Knuckles said as we all charge at the many copies of the bad guys, we see Infinite in the distance and as the soldiers fight the clones I and the others rush to Infinite "Hey Infinite, long time no see!" Sonic said "Miss us?" Brody asked Why yes, I did. I've beem looking foward to finishing you two and your annoying friends!" Infinite said and pushed us all back with a wave from the phantom ruby "I trust you are all ready for oblivion?" Infinite asks "If you're not...oh well" he said when Omega appeared and started shooting him "What?! Who dares?!" Infinite asks "Target reconfirmed. Extermination mode initiates. Payback INEVITABLE" Omega said "Omega! You're back!" Metal Brody said "Awesome!" Rouge said "Is there no end to these annoying insects?" Infinite asks "I will burn your resistancw to ashes, and you along with it!" He said and shoot at the sky creating a giant sun! "Whoa, you've got to be kidding. That's just a special effect right?" Knuckles asks "No, it's not! While we're under the Phantom Ruby's control, it's a part of our reality!" Tails said "Unbelievable! What chance do we have against that?" Espio asks "The sun will fall upon you all. BOOM! THE END!" Eggman said while I hold the Phantom Ruby prototype on my hand and Tails flies over to me "Look. It's reacting. Eggman said something about the Phantom Ruby prototypes!" Tails said "Let me see" he said and I gave him the glowing prototype but when I did the PR prototype stopped glowing "Whoa, it is. He said the Phantom Ruby prototypes only react to the person who activated it" Tails said giving it back to me "That must be you Gadget" he said and I looked at it "Your courage and heroism are probably what triggered ig" Tails said "Just maybe, if you use this it can make that sun disappear" he said and I look determined as I run to the tower despite Knuckles and the others telling me to stop.

I run to the top of the tower, I have to do something "Haha you can stop the sun? It's over!" Eggman said laughing "Make peace with your fate, because hour loves are now over!" Infinite said and I run and jump into the sun closing my eyes and....

It disappeared! I got back on the top of the tower dizzy as I fall to the ground the prototype breaking "Impossible! I thought all the prototypes were destroyed!" Eggman said when Tails fly to me and help me stand "A costly oversight, doctor" Tails said "This is why I always check and double check  as any good scientist would" he said.

Brody's POV

"This is the turning point guys! Time to press our advantage and kick major butt!" Knuckles said looking at the soldiers and the rest of us nodded and Sonic and I run of tothe Mortar Canyon to find Infinite now that he's weaker with the Phantom Ruby.

Eventually we found Infinite "Pathetic little hedgehog and little wolf. Even with the Phantom Ruby weakened, I still have enough power to smash you two into blue and yellow jelly" he said "I'll show you two how outclassed hou really are!" He said "Give it up Infinite you are done for!" I said "Yeah! Brody and I are on a class of our own! Time to put-up or shut up Infinite!" Sonic said and we charge at him ready to fight.

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