Dealing with Metal

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Gadget's POV

"Things were going well with Operarion Big Wave, but then everything fizzled out when that Phabtom Ruby kicked in" Knuckles said "Those fake Shadow and Bolt were created using the Phantom Ruby's power right? Even if it's a virtual reality projection, it's as astrong as the real Shadow and Bolt" Silver said "Metal Brody, Rouge, did you guys found the intel we were looking for?" Bolt asked "Sadly no. But we have reports that Eggman's database is located at the Chemical plant" Metal Brody said "If we can check that out. We might find something there" Rouge said "That sounds like a promising lead" Sonic said "We have to figure out the secret behind Infinite's power and virtual reality" Brody said "Tails can you handle this?" Sonic asks "Got it. I'll take Sonic and Brody--I mean the othe Sonic and Brody--with me and head fpr the Chemical Plant!" Tails said and the three left.

*At Chemical Plant*

Classic Brody's POV

Sonic and I dashed throught the Chemical Plant with Tails till we found the database.

"Phew, so this is where the database is" Tails said "Hold on a sec, while I access the data from this computer..." he said and we nodded "Okay....failed battle plans....old robot, he's got like ten terabytesof where does he keep the--" he said looking through the data "Found it! Virtual Reality weapon. The Phantom Ruby" he said "A weapon that takes control of people's visual amd depth peeception to feed false information to the brain, creating a new reality for them!" He said "Like a dream so real if you bump yourself in it, your sleeping self will bruise? It's hard to believe" he said "Eggman experimentes with lots of prototypes, and then incorporated the final version into Infinite" he said "If I'm reading this correctly, then there might be a weakness" he said "This is huge! Lets get this information back to the othere!" He said and we nodded and the three of us start heading back.

*At the same time in the base*

Gadget's POV

"I don't like sitting on the bench, but there's nothing to do till Tails gets back" Knuckles said "Way to jinz it! Metal Sonic has been spotted in the city!" Amy said "Is it another fake?" Shadow asks "Why would they bother making a fake out of something that already isn't real? Couldn't they just build more?" Sonic asks "Either way it's getting wrecked! Come woth us Partner!" Brody said and I nodded and the three of us went after Metal Sonic.

*At Red Gate Bridge later*

We defeated him all three of us using a triple boost to destroy the fake Metal Sonic "Hey that was great!" Brody said while I catch my breath "We were like a well-oiled machine...fightikg a well-oiled machine" Sonic said the two holding out their fist and I smile happy when they nodded and I fist bumped with them and we headed back.

*Back at the base*

When we got back Tails and the other Sonic and Brody had returned "I got it Sonic! Brody! I figured out a way to stop Eggman's Phantom Ruby!" Tails said "Great work Tails!" Brody said and Sonic nodded "Based on these readings, the phantom ruby requires an incredible amount of energy, which only the death egg can provide" Tails said "We simply stop the energy transfer, and boom, the Phantom Ruby is practically useless" he said "Simply? Last I checked the Death Egg is a heavily fortified....well, Death Egg" Knuckles said "True. But I came up with a plan" Tails said "First we distract Eggman. While he's not paying attention, we use the Chemical Plant computer to hack into the Death Egg's weapons systems and shut it down" He said "With no weapons, destroying the Death Egg will be a piece of cake. No death egg, means the Phantom Ruby is nearlyuseless" he said "Well you knoe, it's just crazy enough to work. So first we need a distraction. I'm on it!" Knuckles said "No way Knuckles. You're too easily distracted. That's not a good trait for a distraction. Plus, you're our commander! We kinda need you here" Amy said "How about the Rookie? Eggman would never expect it. It may even throw him off a little" Blitz said "Good idea! You got your orders, rookie. We only have one more day before Eggman's plan is executed so let's hustle!" Knuckles said and I gulp nervously but I nod and I go tl Green Hill's Guardian Rock.

Here I go!

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