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{a/n: I forgot to put this the last 2 ch.}
Coria's dress: ombré gown by POEM
Elane's dress: https://www.google.com/search?q=90s+black+velvet+dress&safe=strict&client=safari&hl=en-us&prmd=sivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiLjvuTj8vpAhUOH80KHdc3AWUQ_AUoAXoECAwQAQ&biw=375&bih=553#imgrc=u4ndPFhnIFQfhM

Chapter 24 PART I: Coria

My eyes flutter open. This dress is far too large to fit on this gurney comfortably, but the men rushing around me do not seem to care. My eyes dart around the room to get a feel of where I am exactly. I do not remember anything that has happened since I last spoke with Luke and Rowan.

I thought I would be in a lot of pain, but I really do not feel anything. I must be on some sort of painkiller.

Noticing I am aware, a man in dark blue scrubs looks down at me, his gaze soft.

"Good evening, First Lady," He says. "You are in great care. Just relax."

"Chief," A man in light blue scrubs calls to the man in dark blue. He puts up what I assume is my X-ray. "She has a slight concussion and you can see a contusion on the ribs, right along the edge here."

"We need a better look of that concussion," The chief says. "Order an MRI right away."

"Yes, chief."

I flinch when they bring a bright light down to my face. The chief grabs the handles from the other man in light blue scrubs and moves it away.

"We are not trying to worsen it, Doctor Bryan."

"Of course, chief. I apologize."

His gaze falls on me. "How do you feel?"

I swallow to ease the dryness in my throat. "I cannot feel any pain."

"Good. That is just what I wanted to hear."

He continues to move around me as they wait to take me up to a MRI. I would be lying if I said I was not anxious. I have no idea where Luther may be, or whether Sybella is safe. I know they promised to not touch her, but I have been taught not to trust anyone but Mama. I know I have IV's in me, which makes me even more nervous since I cannot feel it. This feeling of numbness is terrifying.

To ease my anxiety and to hide it as best I can, I curl my toes and flex them repeatedly, then close my eyes and clench my jaw. My feelings begin to take form of tears. I bite the inside of my lip to hold them back. I will not let myself cry again.

"Before we go up I am required to ask," The chief says. "Is there any chance you could be pregnant?"

I unclench my jaw. "No."

Truth be told, I actually have no clue.

"Perfect. Let us go."

They roll me out of the room, the hallways unusually clear. I do not see any patients or staff.

Must be because Luther does not want anyone to know just yet.

I do not have to wait too much longer before we reach the room. They help me climb from the gurney onto the table, making sure I am comfortable.

"It can get a little claustrophobic in there. Let me know if you get uncomfortable," The chief says. He presses the button and I go in.

I close my eyes. I am claustrophobic. But I choose to not bother them anymore.

Chapter 24 PART II: Elane

I tap the table nervously. We still have not been released from the venue, everyone getting tired and frustrated. Even Ruthia is beginning to seem irritable. I have never seen her this way.

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