The Doctor's Daughter- Crowley

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Help me... You may ask why there are so many Crowley imagines, and I would have to answer with: "I have no fucking idea".  What I can tell you is, here's another, and I have a tumblr.  It's peacockwinchester, if u want.  I am working on a Superwho book offline, wanna know if you all would read it.  This is a knock-off of that, where my character is the Doctor's daughter (dunno from where, just wanted to write!) and you will have to read the book.  I'm doing the 10th Doctor here, because I am more familiar with him (still catching up lol).  Read on, my lovely Companions.


     I glanced back towards the TARDIS.  My dad was busy bantering with Donna.  I had snuck out.  We were in the country, next to a gravel road and endless fields of wheat and everything else.  I had always loved this sight, really.  But I had made up my mind and I booked it to the crossroads.  I clutched the metal box with the ingredients in it.  I was nervous- who wouldn't be?  I dug a small pit, my hands scratched from the rocks and my nails filled with dirt.  I set the box in, with a bit of hesitation.  Did I want to do this?  Could I really sell the one thing my dad had always praised me for?  My own soul.  That was the biggest price you could pay.  I had a feeling that once it was sold, my dad would kill me before the so-called demon could ever come to collect my soul.

     But I had to.  I knew what was inevitably going to happen.  Dad would lose Donna, lose anyone after.  It was an endless cycle for him, an endless cycle of misery and giving himself when he really shouldn't.  I just wanted him to be happy.  I thought when I found him he would finally be able to heal, but he was never any different.  I wanted him to be ok, even if it took my soul.  He was important, he was bigger than me.  If he wasn't happy, the universe bled.  And, oh, was it bleeding.  If the last thing I did was heal the stars, it would be worth it.

     I covered the box with the dug-up gravel.  The lore book I'd found in the TARDIS' library said the crossroads demon would be there within a couple seconds.  I stood up, trying to get the dirt off my hands.  I looked around me.  I wasn't sure if the demon was really, you know, a demon.  I had only ever seen aliens.  Maybe it was some sort of alien, like the ones Dad and I fought daily.  I looked around me again.  I saw a man a few yards in front of me.

     The man had a well-tailored black suit and tie.  He had a well-kept beard and black hair.  I could tell he was presenting himself as respectable, or at least high-ranking.  I stared at him.  He walked towards me.

"Hello, darling," he said in a beautiful Scottish accent. "Do you know what you're doing?"

"Yes.  And I want to.  Let's get this done, before my dad notices I'm missing," I nodded.

"Alright.  What do you want in exchange?" the man asked me.

"I want my dad to be happy.  Content.  I don't want him to keep losing people," I bit my lip.

"He'll lose you."

"I know.  But he doesn't need me.  We only met a few years back.  He'll live.  And besides, I can't keep running.  Maybe he can... but I don't think anyone deserves what we've had.  I mean... oh, what am I saying?  I'm selling my soul to you, for goodness' sake!  I mean, what even are you?"

"King of Hell, darling.  I don't usually disclose that in my deals, but since you asked so nicely..."

"Right.  Fine."

     I scanned him with the sonic screwdriver my dad helped me make.  The lifeform identified was, in fact, demon.  I furrowed my brow.  How had this never come up?

"We don't get off the planet much, love.  Humans are much too important.  But I'm sure you know that," the king answered my thought.

"Ok... Now how long do I have?" I asked, worried my father would start looking for me soon.

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