Awkward- Castiel

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A/N:  Yeah, so fun story, I have been binging Supernatural because we've had so many days off of school and I am trash RN and it's Valentines Day and I am very lonely, so instead of addressing my problems, I am writing SPN oneshots.  Pic is Misha and not Cas, but close enough.  It's cute anyway.  Anyway, here you go people I assume are reading this.

     I had decided not to go on any hunts for a bit, and by I decided, I mean my brother Dean forbade it.  I'd gotten hurt on my last hunt, and he didn't like the idea of me going on any more for awhile.  He'd ordered Castiel to watch out for me, on pain of death.  Cas was in the other room, reading human books I'd given him.  Everything was quiet, and I was pretty relaxed.
-Awkward Transition to Cas' POV (sorry about this, I'm half-assing in Study Hall)-
     I was unable to focus on the book Caroline had given me.  It was kind of her, but I was just too worried about her lately.  She always referred to her recent injury as a minor setback, but it was not minor.  She had been unconscious for a few days and I had been so worried.  I had stayed by her side day and night, giving the Winchester boys a rest.  It came in handy that I did not sleep.  I had been so worried that Caroline was going to die and I would not be able to help her.  That, and, I was afraid she would die before I could tell her the feelings I had for her.  But she'd pulled through, and now she was relaxing in the other room.
     The flapping sound of wings told me that one of my siblings was here.  I looked up from my reverie (fun big word.  I've always wanted to use that one :3) to see Gabriel standing in front of me.
"Gabriel.  Why are you here?" I frowned.
"I've been watching you, baby bro.  And listening.  I'm pretty sure you know you're not supposed to fall in love with humans?  Cuz you kinda have," Gabriel raised his eyebrow at me.
"I know it's forbidden, Gabriel, but I cannot help it... She's just too perfect.  She's beautiful, and kind, and her smile lights up my world.  And I know she will die quickly, and I know I'll be hunted down for this, but I just can't stop loving Caroline," I confessed.
     Gabriel sighed and sat down at the table across from me.  He tapped his finger on the wood, thinking.
"Fine," he said. "We're gonna find something in this massive, boring collection of books, and we're gonna make sure you don't lose the kid."
"Really?" I asked.
"Well, you love her, don't you?" Gabriel stood up.
"More than life," I nodded.
"Damn.  Then when she dies, you'll go too."
"Like elves?" a new voice asked.
     We both turned to see Caroline standing in the doorway.  She was frowning.  I bit my lip.
"How much did you hear?" I asked her.
"All of it," Caroline admitted, "But I'm not mad or anything.  I, uh... I've actually been meaning to tell you that I like you.  I was worried you wouldn't like me."
"I do not know how anyone could dislike you," I gave Caroline a bright smile.
     Caroline gave me a huge grin back.  Gabriel made a gagging noise.
"I think I'm getting a cavity from you 2!!" he groaned. "Stop being so sweet!"
"Absolutely not!" Caroline gasped, "I just found out the guy I like likes me back!  That has never happened in the history of ever!"
     She walked over to where I was sitting and just hovered next to me.  I knew she was uncomfortable with physical contact, and I wasn't going to push her.  However, I did wrap my wings around her.  I knew she wouldn't feel them, and it made me happy to know I could protect her and keep her close.  Gabriel saw, of course, but he didn't mention it.
"So, you were saying that when I die, Cas dies too?" Caroline asked Gabriel.
"Yeah.  Probably from grief, but angels have been known to kill themselves when they lose their love," Gabriel nodded.
"So you guys are just like winged elves?" Caroline reiterated.
"Sure, I guess," Gabriel did not understand her reference.
     I did, but only because I listened when Caroline talked.  I loved it when she talked about the things she was passionate about.  She would smile so widely and get very hyper.  It was the most beautiful thing in the entire world that my father created.  But she didn't do that much, because no one ever listened.  It hurt me to see her reduced like that.  So I listened.  And it made all the difference.  I let her teach me the things she knew.  I watched her heal a little more each time.
"Well, then I guess I'll just have to not die,"Caroline joked.
"Easier said than done, kiddo," Gabriel said.
"I know.  Do you have like... A magic spell that will make me immortal?  Or like a Philosopher's Stone?  And what about Sam and Dean?" Caroline questioned.
"Ok, listen, I don't have an answer right now, but I'm gonna do lots of boring research, and I'll get back to you two lovebirds," Gabriel said. "Adios, kids.  Be responsible!"
     With that, my brother flew away, lwaving Caroline and I blushing at his insinuation.  I looked up at Caroline.  She gave me a quick smile.
"So... You love me," she tried to break the awkwardness.
"I love you more than anything else, Caroline," I nodded, standing.
"Well... I love you too.  More than even my brothers.  And maybe even more than mac and cheese," Caroline grinned.
     I laughed.  I felt the urge to lean down and kiss her.  She was looking up at me with admiration in her eyes.  It was so obvious now, that I wondered why I hadn't guessed that she loved me too.
     Caroline tilted her head at me.
"Whatcha thinkin?" she asked.
"Just that I was a fool not to see it sooner.  And I suppose I want to kiss you right now," I admitted, blushing.
"I mean, if you wanna.  I won't stop you.  I've just never kissed anyone before (true fact about yours truly.  Hit me up, men, it's freakin love day!)," Caroline replied.
"Well, neither have I.  I will ask Dean.  I'm sure he won't mind my asking.  I just... Won't tell him it's you I want to kiss," I stepped back from Caroline. "I'll be back soon.  Make sure no one comes in."
"I won't," Caroline playfully rolled her eyes.
     I nodded, and flew to the boys.  They were driving, so I ended up in the back of the Impala.
"Dean," I tried to get his attention.
     He and Sam jumped and screamed, not expecting me.
"Cas!" Dean scolded, "Give us a warning next time!"
"Oh... Apologies.  I just had a question," I got to the point.
"What kinda question?" Dean raised an eyebrow, watching me from the rearview mirror.
"A question about women," I clarified.
"Oh, are you gonna finally get some?" Dean grinned.
"Get what?  I don't-" I began to ask.
"Ah, never mind.  What is it?" Dean waved me off.
"I, um, need to know how to kiss a woman," I shifted nervously.
"Oh!  Well, that's easy!  You gotta get in close, definitely compliment her.  You just kinda keep you lips parted a little and just... Press em together.  It might be kinda awkward at first, but you'll get the hang of it (literally had to look this up on WikiHow, because I am an inexperienced dork and had no idea).  That's basically it," Dean explained.
"Um, alright.  Thank you, Dean," I smiled.
"Yep, good luck, buddy."
     I nodded and flew back to Caroline.  I felt bad that I wasn't telling Dean everything, but I knew he would never let me get close to his sister again, and that would kill me.
"What's the deal?" Caroline asked me.
"Um, compliment first, which is not difficult in the least," I gave her a nervous smile.
     Caroline blushed and waved me off.  I stepped closer to her.
"I mean it, Caroline.  You are absolutely perfect in every way.  Nothing you think can change that," I brushed a loose hair behind her ear.
"Cas, I think you are absolutely amazing and that your siblings are stupid for exiling you," Caroline smiled. "Now what?"
"We just sort of... Do it?" I shrugged. "I suppose we will just have to figure it out."
"Um, ok.  Can you, um, can you initiate?  I'm kinda scared," Caroline looked down sheepishly.
"Caroline, you have bothing to be ashamed of.  You are generally an anxious person.  And you have every right to be."
"Ok... Thanks, Cas."
     I nodded.  I could tell she was chewing the inside of her cheek because she was nervous.  I made sure our faces were close.  I looked into her eyes.  Despite the apprehensiveness in them, she nodded decidedly.  I nodded too and pressed my lips to hers.  It wasn't anything special or terribly experienced.  But it remided me of us.  It was definitely an embodiment of Caeoline and I.  I could feel her small smile, and it made me smile enough that I had to back away from the kiss.
"That was good," Caroline's face was lit up by her smile.
"It was, wasn't it?" I smiled too.

Ok, my dudes, that's the tea for now!  Imma try to get some more Spn stuff on here, but y'all know me.  Anywho, this made me feel awkward, because I was writing myself pretty much how I am and I don't usually do that.  It just kinda fit, tho.  Have a good day guys!!
From the desk (phone) of Author Lady Barnes,

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