Happy- Bucky Barnes

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"Hey, Mom?"
"What is it, Seb? And why aren't you in bed?"
"Mom, I was in bed, but I couldn't sleep so I came to ask you something."
I set my book down next to me and turned to face my oldest son.
"Why is Dad so distant? He doesn't hang out with me like the other kids' dads do. Why doesn't he go places?" Sebastian continued.
"Seb, you're dad's had a hard life. Nothing he deserved, but it's kind of how you, Gem, and Leo are here," I answered.
"Well, what's so hard about it, aside from having a metal arm? What's that about anyway?"
"Ok, well, it's a long story, but if you want to hear it, I guess you can."
"I do!"
"So, you know Dad and I got married."
"A couple years after that, the Second World War started and your dad enlisted. He got assigned to the 107 and shipped out to Europe."
"Wait, World War II?! That would mean you're both like 100! That's impossible!!"
"Kid, You should learn about cryogenics. That's how we're all here now. Anyway, Uncle Steve and Dad were on a mission to take out HYDRA, which is a very, very bad organization, when Dad fell out of a train and into a deep ravine. We all thought he-"
Bucky walked into the room.
"Caroline Selene Lokidottir-Barnes, don't you dare tell him," he said firmly.
"James Buchanan Barnes, why not? He's our son and he deserves to know! It's bad enough we never see you anymore!" I hissed.
"It's for your own good. I don't know why we stayed together after... after everything..." Bucky looked at his bare feet. I gasped and slapped his face.
"James! Don't you ever say that! I don't regret having children. They are amazing, and you are never here... Bucky, I can't take it anymore. I never see you and I want to see you. Bucky, I love you, and that's why we're still here. That's why we have Sebastian, Gemini, and Leo. Why can't you see that we don't care what you did, how many people you killed. I don't care. You're still the same man I fell in love with while sleeping on his floor. Why don't you give up and be with me, with us?" I cried. Tears were in my eyes. I didn't know why this had to happen. Didn't Bucky love me anymore? Didn't he care that we had children?
"Caroline... I don't think-I-I just... I love you. I want to be with you. But what would happen if we were all happy, like we were before? HYDRA, SHIELD, the whole world would turn on us. That's the way life works. You get happy and the world wants you to be sad. Do you know how many times I've wanted to hug you? How many times I've cried myself to sleep because I can't be with you?" Bucky moaned. "All I want is to be able to love you freely. That's all I've ever wanted."
"But you can!  No one's coming after us anymore!  HYDRA's gone, Thanos is gone, it's all gone!  We're living in New York.  I just can't see why you don't accept this!"
"I can't.  I thought they'd left me alone... I wanted to be free, to live peacefully in that tiny village in Wakanda, but no!  As soon as I let my f***ing guard down, Thanos disintegrated half the universe!  Including me!"
"Fine.  I can't reason with you.  Be a stubborn, past-dwelling bitch!  Just go and crawl back to Steve and Tony and Nat!  Crawl back to the life you never wanted!  Crawl back to 1941!  Just leave me be!!"
     I wiped tears off my cheeks and stormed into our bedroom.  I was faintly aware of Sebastian yelling at Bucky, but I just curled up under the covers and sobbed.  He was dumb.  Bucky was the dumbest little bitch.  He didn't think I understood.  He didn't think I felt the same way.  I felt it alright, but I was just happy I had him back.  I'd lost him so many times... I didn't want to lose him again.  I couldn't let him go.  My resolve thickened and I threw off the covers, dried my tears, and stomped into the living room.  Sebastian had thrown the couch on top of Bucky.
"Sebastian!" I scolded.
"He was being a jerk, Mom!  He was mean to you, he was mean to Gem and Leo.  He was mean to me.  So I threw the couch at him," Sebastian glared.
"Uh, doll?" Bucky groaned, poking his head out from under the couch. "Little help here?"
"Oh, so now you want my help?" I scowled.
"Doll, I'm sorry!  I'm just... I don't know what I'm doing.  I want to love you and I want to be free from the nightmares... doll, they never stop... never..." Bucky looked at me.  He was scared.  He was lost.  He just wanted me back.
"Fine.  As long as you come back to me.  To us," I sighed, lifting the couch back up.  I set it back into its place and offered Bucky my hand.  He grabbed it with his metal one and pulled himself up.  Sebastian looked confused.
"I still want to know what you guys haven't told me about what happened before I came along," he frowned.
"I guess... just don't hate me..." Bucky whimpered.
"I'm not going to hate you, Dad.  I heard Mom yelling at you, so I already know you killed people," Seb said.
"Who didn't hear your mother yelling at me?" Bucky gave me that 1940s grin.  I blushed.
"First correction, it could've been much louder, and second, I've killed people too," I hissed.
"Ok, great, both my parents are murderers.  Just wonderful," Seb groaned.
"Mommy killed someone!!?" a little voice gasped.  Gemini and Leo were standing wide-eyed in the doorway.
"Uhm... it was necessary?" I tried.
"I was brainwashed," Bucky shrugged. "I killed JFK.  And Tony Stark's parents."
"Ok... that makes no sense at all..." Sebastian looked so confused.
"Ok, so like I was saying, Dad fell off a train and HYDRA (they were kind of extremist) picked him up and gave him a metal arm.  They wiped his memory and made him kill for them," I said.
"That metal arm?!" Leo jumped away from Bucky.
"No.  The king of Wakanda gave him that one.  You know what would be a lot quicker, kids?" I answered.
"What?" my offspring asked.
"Reading a history book.  Or, you know, just watching the movies they made of us," I grinned.
"No.  Go to bed.  Dad and I need to talk."
     I grinned.  My kids trudged off to bed and I turned to Bucky.  We stood in silence.  Then, I launched myself onto him.  He smashed his lips onto mine and I almost fell over.  He had been so absent for so long, all I had wanted was to kiss him again.  I felt Sebastian watching us, with a tad bit of discomfort.  I used the force to flick him down, not even bothering to break the connection between Bucky and I.  Finally, with my lungs screaming, I pulled back.
"Didn't I tell you to go to bed, Sebastian?" I asked.
"Maybe.  I just didn't want you two to throw things at each other," my son shrugged.
"Kay, well, we didn't, so go to sleep."
"Fine.  Night, Mom.  You too, Dad."
     Bucky grinned at Sebastian and waved.  When he was sure Seb was gone, Bucky kissed me again.  He wrapped his arms around my waist.  I tangled my hands in his hair.  Suddenly, we were back in the 1940s.  We were back where we belonged.  With each other.  We were happy.

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