Mistake- Kylo Ren

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     I wondered why we were having a quiz on First Order protocols.  What even?!  This was a military organization, not a school.  Whatever.  Just ace it.  I looked at question one.
1. Who is the leader of the First Order
A. Armitage Hux
B. Kylo Ren
C. B
D. C
     I had a guess who had written up the quiz.  I circled B, because even if I was wrong, I would only ever answer to Kylo.  He was the love of my life, if I had to admit it.  We'd been dating for a couple years, if you didn't count the 3 months we were broken up over Rey.  I'd gotten jealous of his obsession, until he made it up to me by offering me a job here so we could be close at all times.  My mind was still angry at him, but my heart made the choice.  Ever since, we've been together and always near the other except for sleeping and when he has to go lead the army places.
2. Who is second-in-command?
A. Armitage Hux
B. Caroline Dameron
C. B
D. C
     I slapped my face.  It definitely was written by Ben.  Who else would want everyone to know that they had to answer to me as well as him?  He was a jerk.  A jerk-y teddy bear.  Gosh, I wanted to kiss him right now...
3. What is your name/number?
     I wrote my name on the line in my curling cursive.  I walked up to Kylo with the paper and set it on the desk.  He looked up from his book and grinned at me.  I looked at the title of the book.  Darth Vader: A Life by Luke Skywalker.  I laughed, sending him a look.  How typical of him.  I searched for something to say to him, through the mental link we had due to the force.
I knew you'd be done first, princess, Ben smirked.  My cheeks warmed up.
Ben! I groaned. Stop calling me that!
Oh, I'm sorry, did I make the little pilot angry?
Yes!  Very angry!
Aww!  I'm sorry.  I'll make it up to you.
You had better...
     I huffed and returned to my seat.  Slowly, the rest of the First Order employees finished their quizzes and set them on Kylo's desk.  He made us wait, before he passed them back.  He withheld mine.  All the others filed out quickly, weirded out by the classroom environment.  Also because they didn't want to be around Kylo and I, in case things got heated.
"Princess, I spotted a mistake," Ben said.
"Oh, really?  And what is that teensy slip-up?" I glared at the nickname.
"It should be Ren."
"You're last name.  Ren.  Or Solo, if you'd prefer..."
"You jackass!  Did you just propose to me?!"
"I'll do it!"
"You heard me!  I'll marry you!"
     I closed the distance between us, pressing my lips onto his.  Kylo reciprocated my gesture, his arms wrapping around my waist.  He pulled back, still confused.
I just accepted your proposal, dummy! I laughed.
"U-um... I..." Ben blushed.
"Two years, and you still get flustered around me?!" I grinned, kissing his cheek.
"I got flustered before, you know..." Ben blushed harder.
     I thought back.  Maybe he did get flustered around me before that...

**Flashback 😋**
     I rushed down the corridor, with Ben at my heels.   We were late for trainingI'd had a nightmare last night, and Ben had comforted me.  We'd accidentally fallen asleep together and overslept Ben's alarm.
"Oh gosh, we're gonna be in so much trouble!" I worried, pulling up just short of the door.  Ben slammed into my back.
"Um, s-sorry..." he blushed. 
     I cocked my head.  Why was he blushing?  I had had no idea what my best friend was thinking then, but I had some idea now.  Ben was crushing on me.  Hard.  I hadn't realized it until now, after he'd just asked me to marry him.
**Return to Present Day 🤓**
     I looked into Kylo's eyes.  They were a beautiful molten chocolate color.  I realized I had loved him, even back at the Jedi Temple.  I kissed him again.  This time, he didn't pull away.  I felt him slip something cold onto my finger.  I knew immediately that it was a ring.  A silver ring with a single diamond inlaid, I observed as we pulled back for air.  I rested my head in the crook of his neck.
"It's beautiful, Ben," I breathed into his ear, sending shivers down his spine.
     This time, he kissed me.  I wrapped my arms around his neck.  I cut it short, feeling a presence at the door.
"Are you two lovebirds quite finished?" Hux's grating voice sighed. "I managed a picture when you kissed the first time!  You do not have to reenact it over and over again."
"Hux!" Kylo growled, turning towards him. "What have I told you about interrupting?!"
"Quite right, Supreme Leader.  I will only send the photo to your mother," Hux replied coolly.
     Kylo's grip on me tightened as he boiled with rage and embarrassment.  The tips of his ears were red.  He was sure to leave bruises on me if he didn't let go soon.
"Ben!  Geez!  You're gonna bruise me!" I ducked out of his grasp.
     The facade crumbled. 
Oh, gosh!  I'm so sorry, princess... he thought.
"It's fine, as long as you don't mean to hurt me," I shrugged. 
     Hux raised an eyebrow.  His girlfriend was on the deck.  Kylo's sister.  I don't know how he managed to be a good boyfriend, but if they were happy, I guess that meant he was doing a good job
"Hux, I will show my mother what I wish.  You have no right to tell her anything," Ben hissed.
"If you say so, sir.  I might inform you that you must still devise a strategy to wipe out the rebels," Hux shrugged.
I'll go to her. I gripped Ben's arm.
What?! he looked at me.
I have less of a chance of being blown to bits by the Resistance than you do.  I'll go to her. I'll tell her.
Caroline, no.  I'll make it.
Nuh-uh!  You have stuff to do.  I've made up my mind and I'm going!
Ugh, fine.  Just be safe.
I always am.
     He kissed my forehead.
"I love you," he grinned.
"Back at ya, Ren," I winked, pushing past Hux and racing to my TIE fighter.
     It felt good to be back in the cockpit.  That I had in common with my brother.  I sped through the stars toward the last coordinates we had received of rebel presence.  The Resistance, my old friends, were exactly where they'd been just a few hours before.  I hopped out of my fighter and raced at Poe.  I tackled him from behind.  My brother threw me off and pinned me to the ground.
"Long time no see, sis," he grinned.
"Hi, Poe," I smiled.
"Why are you here, though?" Poe asked, helping me up.
"I, uh... have some news..." I wrung my hands.
"What news?" Poe raised an eyebrow inquisitively.
"I'm sort of... well... engaged..."
"You are?!  Who is it?"
"Um..." I blushed.  Poe definitely wouldn't like the answer.
"C'mon, just tell me already!" Poe cried, shaking my shoulders roughly.
"Kylo Ren..." I squeaked.
"YOU WHAT?!!!!"
"I'm getting married to Kylo Ren."
"Kylo Ren... my sister... I need to sit down..."
     Finn raced up.
"Hi, Callie!" he grinned.
"Hi!" I smiled.  Poe looked like he was going to pass out.
"What happened?" Finn asked.
"I told Poe I was getting married.  To, um... Kylo Ren..." I flushed.
"What?!" Finn looked bewildered. "Is that true?!"
"Yeah.  It's the whole truth and nothing but the truth."
"Well, as long as you're happy, then I'm happy too."
"You're a good friend, Finn.  And now I need to find General Leia."
"I saw her over by the Millenium Falcon with C-3PO."
     I rushed over to Ben's dad's old ship.  Leia was sitting on a crate in front of the entrance, looking at a set of golden dice you would hang from the dash.  She noticed my approach and set the dice down.
"Hi, Caroline," she smiled.
"Hi," I replied.  Silence.
"They were Han's." Leia sighed. "I do miss him, even if he was an idiot."
     I thought about what it would be like to lose Ben.  Pure, unending agony, is what I came up with.  And on top of that, Leia had lost Luke too.  That must hurt a lot.  How was she still sane?  I suppose she was holding out that Ben would come to his senses.  I couldn't think that he would, but there was a possible flint of hope in that department.  Me.  Maybe, just maybe, she believed I could bring him back.  Really I could.  Ben would do anything for me.
"You're not evil, Caroline," Leia said.
"I know.  I just... I wanted to be with Ben... Kylo... whoever..." I looked at my boots.
"I understand," she nodded. "I understand that completely."
"I, um... came to tell you something..." I mumbled.
"I guessed.  What is it?"
"Um... Ben and I... we're kind of... engaged?"
"That came out as a question."
"I know... it's just really new for me.  It's actually kind of scary... I mean... getting married kind of means you're not young anymore.  And what if we start a family?  I don't want to raise kids in this mess.  I don't want my kids to... to end up like us..."
"I know.  But you have nothing to fear.  Ben would give you the galaxy.  He would pull down Tattoine's moons for you.  I'm sure you could get him to end this nonsense."
"But even if he left, the First Order would still try to enslave us all.  They'd hunt us down and kill us."
"The Dark Side never stops, Caroline.  Evil never goes away.  I learned that the hard way.  You have to live around the turmoil.  Find small happinesses (not a word, but it sounds poetic, so...).  It's all anyone can do."
"Makes sense.  I just don't know if I'm ready for this..."
"You're ready as you'll ever be.  Bring him back for me... please.  I don't want to lose anyone else..."
"I promise I will."

Well, I like angst, don't I?  Yeah.  I really like this one.  I might use it for my Kylo story later on.  It was inspired by this Percabeth thing I keep seeing on Pinterest.  Also... the Phantom of the Opera is here inside my mind... I can't shake him out.  Send help............
P.S. I'm surprised my iPad doesn't know that dracoline is a word yet.  I've typed it Lord knows how many times...

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