Angel- Dean

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So, this is Dean. As a sidenote, my character is an angel, a lot like Cas. Cuz I'm very socially awkward, so yeah. Anyway, I am not replacing Cas, he's gonna be the big brother here. Anyway, read on lovelies.

"Caroline, I need you to keep an eye on Castiel. I fear he is becoming too attached to his human charges," my supervisor told me.
"Alright. Should I make myself known, or..." I asked.
"It doesn't matter, but don't make it obvious that you are reporting back to Heaven."
"Yes, ma'am."
I spread my silver-blue-y wings and flew down to Earth, to Castiel's last known location. The location was a hidden bunker. I landed right in front of my brother. He stumbled backward.
"Caroline!" he frowned.
"Castiel," I smiled. "I missed you."
That wasn't a lie. He had always been my favorite brother, as we had similar interests and personalities.
"I missed you as well. What are you doing here?" Cas asked me.
I bit my lip. I knew I would be punished if I disobeyed my orders. But I just couldn't lie to Cas. He was my best friend. Well, my only friend, but it was close enough. I switched off my Angel Radio. Cas tilted his head in confusion.
"They want me to spy on you," I whispered, as if they could hear me from Heaven.
"What?!" Cas' eyes widened.
"They say you're too attached to your humans," I clarified.
"Sam and Dean are my friends. I don't want to leave them."
"You don't have to. I'm not gonna do it. I turned off my radio. Is this place warded?"
"Of course. Warded and protected against practically everything."
"Good. We should catch up while I stay here. It's been forever since I saw you, Cassie."
"I know, Caroline."
Cas squished me in a hug, something I wasn't used to. It felt nice, though, so I wrapped my arms around my big brother too. Two tall, handsome men walked in.
"Cas?" the shorter one said. "Who is this?"
Cas let go of me, giving me a small nudge towards the men. The taller one had long hair and a buff build. The shorter one looked very pretty. I blushed.
"This is my sister Caroline," Cas introduced me.
"You must be Castiel's humans," I gave the two a smile.
"Uh, yeah. I'm Sam. This is Dean," the tall one looked a little uncomfortable.
"Hey, babe," Dean gave me a cocky grin.
I furrowed my brow in confusion.
"I... I am not an infant..." I frowned.
Dean sighed and slapped his forehead. Sam laughed.
"There are 2 of them," he nudged Dean.
"Caroline, I believe Dean was attempting a flirtation," Cas explained.
"Oh... Um..." my face went red.
"Caroline, Sam, Dean, and I were just about to take care of a case in Ohio (I live there). Would you like to come with us?" Cas asked.
"Will it be safe?" I asked, worried the angels would come after me.
"If you stick with us, yes. Sam and Dean know how to protect you. I'll do everything I can as well. It seems to be a salt and burning," Cas assured me.
"A real ghost?" my eyes widened.
"Yes. Sam and Dean are letting me be a hunter!" Cas grinned.
"I've never gone on a hunt before," I began to get excited.
"Wait, why wouldn't she be safe?" Dean frowned. "I don't wanna have something else on our asses."
"Caroline was supposed to be spying on me. She turned off her Angel Radio, she won't do it," Cas explained.
"You sure?" Dean eyed me suspiciously.
"On my honor, I would never spy on you or Cas," I promised.
"Fine. But you are not to be outta my sight," Dean warned.
"I can go?" I gasped excitedly.
"Fine," Dean sighed.
"YES!!" I cheered, my wings flying out and bonking Cas in the nose, "Sorry..."
Cas waved me off, rubbing his nose. Sam looked confused, not being able to see my wings, but Dean... Dean was laughing, like he'd seen my wings flail outward. I looked at him, confused. He looked back, just as confused.
"Well, we should get going," Dean broke the silence. "Caroline, you're riding with us."
"In a car?" I asked.
"Uh, yeah? I don't trust you to fly there," Dean nodded.
"Ok. Lead me to the car," I smiled, complying happily.
Sam left quickly and Cas flew to the town in question. Dean stepped aside so I could go first. He led me to the garage and told me I could sit in the back. I climbed into the black car and adjusted my wings in the back. Sam was checking the weapons in the trunk. Dean climbed into the driver's seat. He glanced into the rearview mirror.
"Is it weird that I can see your wings?" he asked.
"What? You can-you can see them?" I sputtered.
"Yeah. I've never seen any other angel's wings. But they're pretty," Dean smiled into the mirror.
"Thanks..." I blushed. "But, Dean... Only our soulmates can see our wings."
Dean looked up, meeting my eyes. He looked a little surprised, but didn't look to be complaining.
"How bout that? An angel for a soulmate," Dean grinned. "You're in for a treat, baby."
"Dean, I-" Sam looked between us as he got in. "Am I interrupting something?"
"Nope. Just giving Miss Wings the rundown," Dean made it clear to me that I shouldn't mention us being soulmates.

~Time Skip!~
We arrived in some small Ohio city (I'm making this my city, but I won't say it cuz Mom is big on Internet safety😘) and got to a cheap hotel on the outskirts. It was close to a truck stop and almost everywhere in the town could be reached in less than 10 minutes.
"I'll get us a room. You good hanging in the room with us? I know angels don't sleep," I looked at Caroline in the mirror.
"I'll be ok. Do you have anything to read?" Caroline shifted her wings.
"Yeah. If you're real careful you can read Dad's journal," I nodded.
"Thank you, Dean," Caroline smiled. "I can stay in here while you do that."
"Yeah. Sam, make sure you keep an eye on Wings," I got out as Sam did too.
Sam nodded, taking me around to the trunk. Caroline picked at the feathers on her wings innocently. Sam looked at me.
"Dean, what the hell, you never let people touch Dad's stuff," Sam crossed his arms. "What is going on with you?"
"I just think she can't do too much to it," I shrugged defensively.
I didn't want Sam to know we were soulmates, didn't want him to think I was soft for her. To be fair, I was soft on her. She was a pretty girl, with a funny personality. I wondered if she liked burgers like Cas did. I wanted to get to know her, not just be with her for a night. But Sam didn't need to know that, and neither did she.
"Whatever, Dean. Just go get a room," Sam gave up, frustrated.
I rolled my eyes, secretly checking on Caroline, and then walked into the hotel.

I'm gonna make a second part. I hope you guys like this! Please comment, vote if you want. I just like to know people will read this and like it. Hope you're all holding up ok! Bye!!
From the desk (phone) of Author Lady Barnes,

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