You're Not Alone- Severus Snape

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-Snape's POV-
My eyes scanned across the pages of my textbook.  I looked as if I was studying, but I was just thinking.  Why was I the one who had to be picked on?  Why did James Potter hate me?  It's not like I wanted him to be my friend, I just wanted him to leave me alone.  Lily liked him though, and that made me hate him more.  How could Lily love him?  Could she not see past the flirtatious air he had around her?  Why wouldn't Lily just love me?!  I slammed my textbook shut and moaned in frustration.  I couldn't take this agony anymore.  It was just too much.  I walked to the lake, ready to drown myself.  I would leave no note.  I'd leave them to wallow.
"Severus, I know what you're about to do, but please don't," a female voice pleaded behind me. 
         I turned around.  Standing a few yards away was a caramel-haired Ravenclaw girl with a timid demeanor.  She looked at me with wide, scared eyes.  The girl walked closer.
"I know we've never met," she continued plaintively.
"Ok.  How do you know what I'm going to do?" I asked.  She took off her glove and held her palm out for me to see.  On her hand were jagged scars in intersecting patterns.
"I didn't think I could take it either.  Maybe we can get through this together.  It might be nice to have someone to lean on," the girl said. "And I'm Caroline."
"I would introduce myself, but I think you already know my name," I said.
"I do.  I'm not a stalker."
"Then what are you?"
"A slightly suicidal teenager."
      Caroline gave me a sad kind of smile and grabbed my hand.  She took a breath and rubbed her thumb soothingly on my palm.  I calmed down.  I forgot the pain.  Suddenly, none of it mattered anymore.  I wanted to stay in this moment with Caroline.  I leaned my forehead on hers.
"Thank you," I whispered.
"You're welcome."
"Do you want to come with me to the Three Broomsticks this weekend?"
"I do."
        Our hands were intertwined.  I had never felt like this, not even around Lily.  Around Lily, I felt clammy and nervous.  And here, with Caroline, I felt calm.  I felt like she wanted to be with me as much as I wanted to be with her.  I brought her hand up to my lips and kissed her knuckles.  Caroline blushed.
"Severus..." she flushed.
"Sev is fine," I shrugged.  Caroline echoed my gesture.
"There.  Now we've both got someone to love," she smiled.  I watched in surprise as she kissed me on the cheek and bounced back to the school.  I noticed her glove lying on the fresh layers of snow and put it in my pocket.  I'd give it to her sometime.  Or maybe I'd keep it, to remember my friend.
— Years Later —
      I sat in the break room, pinching the bridge of my nose.  Potter was so annoying!  How anyone liked him, I couldn't understand.  Caroline walked in. 
"Coffee?" She offered.
"Yes please," I nodded gratefully.
"Potter on your nerves?"
"More than can be expressed."
"Well, Sev, I'll be straight with you.  That kid is a freaking attention magnet!  I mean, he's always gotta be in the center of the action!  I pity his friends, really I do."
"This is better than any coffee."
"Aw, thanks.  But really, we need to spend more time with each other.  Why is this job so freaking long!"
"You can quit whenever you want."
"I do like it here.  I do love teaching.  I do love you."
"I love you more."
"I should get back to the classroom."
"At least you get maternity leave."
"I'm going to monitor my class."
"Just one kiss."
           I smiled and kissed her.  Caroline broke the contact and marched down the hall.  As I watched her go, I wondered what would have happened if she hadn't come up to me that day.  I knew Caroline wouldn't have been my wife.  She wouldn't be carrying my child.  I wouldn't be Potions Master.  I wouldn't ever have made it out of school.  I was so glad Caroline had stopped me from drowning myself.  Every now and then, I'd feel the scars on her palms as she held my hands and I could never help but squeeze my eyes shut.  I didn't want to think about the pain my sweet Caroline had gone through.  We never talked about it, but we knew. 

Hi, dudes!  I really like this oneshot!  And just for your information, I am not suicidal or anything.  Just being crushed by the weight of life's problems.  Don't worry.  It comes with a smile. *wide eyes, creepy stalker grin*

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