Legolas- Hot

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"I'm hooooot!" I moaned.
"Go jump in the river," Legolas said, not looking up from his book.
"I don't wanna! Plus it's deep and that's scary!" I reasoned.
"Well, I don't know what to tell you then," Legolas shrugged.
"You're mean!"
"Good. Leave me alone."
"Fine! I'm not talking to you anymore!"
I stormed back into the castle and smacked my face onto my bed. How could I cool down?! I suppose I could put different clothes on. Or face my fears and go down to the river to swim. Maybe I'd just dip my feet in. That would cool me right down! I wore a swim top and a swim skirt as I went down to the river. I stood at the edge and looked into the clear water. You could see right down to the bottom. Which was far away. If I got tired and stopped swimming, I'd drown. I took a deep breath and stuck my toe in. It was heavenly. Suddenly, I was overtaken by the need to be cool that I cannon-balled. I swam to the surface and laughed. Legolas looked up.
"I told you it would help!" he called.
I glared at him, not forgetting what had happened earlier, and dove back underwater. My long hair kept getting in my face, so I propelled myself back up for a breath. My hair got in my face and I spluttered, trying to breathe through the wet mop. I tried to get my hair out of my face with my hands, but my feet stopped moving while I was concentrated and I went back under. I hadn't got air before going down, so I choked and coughed on the water. I couldn't breath (obviously) and my lungs began burning. My eyes closed.

The next thing I knew, I was laying on soft grass coughing water out of my lungs. My eyes blinked and I looked around. A male face was staring at me worriedly. I recognized the face as Legolas'. His hair was wet and dripping.
"Thank goodness! I was so worried Caroline!" he sighed in relief. Once I was done coughing up water, he hugged me so tight, I was wheezing. I threw my arms around him.
"Thank you," I whispered.
Legolas didn't reply, he just kept hugging me. I smoothed his wet hair behind his ears. I felt water dripping onto my shoulders and I realized Legolas was crying.
"I was so scared I was going to lose you," his voice trembled. "And it was going to be my fault because I told you to go swimming..."
"I'm still here. I'm ok," I assured him.
"I love you more than anything, Caroline. I hope you know that," Legolas looked me right in the eyes.
"I love you too, Legolas."
We just looked at each other. Then, Legolas pressed his lips onto mine. I kissed him back. How could I not? I had loved Legolas since the first time I saw him and I had been so happy when he had asked to court me. Legolas was always so charming and it made me burst with joy whenever we held hands or hugged. He made me feel safe when we went into the wilder parts of the forest. Even though I could fight, I was still afraid of orcs and spiders. I hoped someday Legolas and I would get married.

~Years Later~
"Yes, darling?"
"What was Mommy like?"
I looked at my daughter, overcome with grief. Caroline had been gone for years, but I still felt like she had just died. She died because I couldn't get there fast enough. I couldn't kill that orc before it killed her. Caroline had died in my arms, telling me she loved me and that she loved Jelenneth too. My father hadn't bothered to ask where she was when I came home drenched in blood and alone. He knew better. Jelenneth, of course had been too young to know any of this. I'd never taken her to Caroline's tomb, even though I spent most of my time there.
"She was... amazing," I settled. "She could take down an orc with a single blow, yet still managed to be scared of them. She was always there for me when I needed it and she loved you very much."
"Really? Are you sure, Ada? If she loved me, I don't think she woulda left me..." Jelenneth frowned.
"She didn't have a choice, darling. She never wanted to leave you or me. But she's not really gone. Mommy's still watching over us."
At least that's what I tell myself. Honestly, it feels like I'm alone.
"Was Mommy a princess?" Jelenneth tilted her head, looking up at me with wide eyes.
"If she wasn't a princess, you wouldn't be," I smiled.
"I bet Mommy was real pretty. I bet she had lotsa pretty hair and pointy ears and pretty eyes!"
"She did."
"She looked a lot like you, Jelly. Except Mommy had brown hair. Shiny, brown hair."
~That Night Because Why Not~
I sat on the ground, looking at Caroline's gravestone.
"Jelenneth asked about you today..." I said, hoping she could hear me. "I told her you were pretty and amazing. Which you were."
     I knew this was a one-sided conversation, but it eased the heartache a bit.  My face was wet with tears.  It was a miracle I ever stopped crying.  I thought back to the day I realized I loved her.  I couldn't lose her.  But I failed in that.  I let her leave me.
"I hope it's not hot where you are.  You'd give my mother a heart attack..." I knew she was with my mother. "Don't forget to tie your hair back when you swim..."
     I gave her grave a small, sad smile.  I got up and walked back inside.

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