I Did Not Expect That- Michael

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Yeah, so, expect lots of Spn stuff from me. Also, this is Matt Cohen Michael bc he's hot, so sue me. Oneshots and whatnot to come when I have time. Musical stuff is mobilizing and I'm sweating about my history grade. Also, I'll get the texts for my spoopy bois out in my most popular book. Why it's so popular, I'll never know, but y'all go😍

I walked into the living room to see my brothers standing there. Even Lucifer was there.
"What... Is this?" I asked.
"Gabe thought we could have a little bonding time, maybe down a couple drinks, even though you've got a cane up your ass," Lucifer shrugged.
"Well, I... Am busy," I said carefully.
My brothers could in no circumstance find out about my wife and child. Just to spite me, Aurelea began wailing in her nursery. My eyes went wide, but I tried to ignore it. Perhaps they would think they were finally going mad. It was long overdue, to be honest.
"What's-is that a baby?" Raphael frowned.
"Uh, I don't-" I tried to push down my panic.
"Don't lie Michael, I know a whining kid when I hear one," Gabriel pressed me.
I stuttered something incoherent, panic making my mouth hard to move. What would they do to them? Especially Lucifer. And if the other angels found out, Caroline and Aurelea would never be safe. I could never forgive myself if they were hunted and murdered by my family because of me.
As I tried to come up with an excuse, the worst possible thing happened. Caroline walked up behind me, trying to calm Aurelea.
"Mike, didn't you hear her? She was-" Caroline stopped dead at the sight of my brothers.
Everyone blinked in surprise. My brothers all instinctively looked to me for an explanation. Aurelea was falling asleep on Caroline's shoulder. My wife looked up at me with fear in her eyes.
"Ok... You better start explaining this, Michael," Gabriel was still stating at Lea and Caroline.
"Wait, are these your brothers?" Caroline asked me.
"Yes..." I admitted.
"Why... Why are they here? It's 2 in the morning," Caroline yawned.
"They wanted to go out," I replied.
"Not anymore, unless you explain what the hell is going on," Lucifer prompted.
I bit my lip and sighed. Caroline gave me a small smile to reassure me. My brothers watched us, trying to guess what we were before I told them.
"This... Is Caroline. My wife," I introduced her. "And Aurelea, our daughter."
I put my hands on Caroline's shoulders, to silently tell my brothers that my girls were not to be touched. Raphael groaned and griped about betrayal. Lucifer rolled his eyes.
"I really thought you were better than this, Michael," he sighed.
Gabriel's face lit up, though. He almost launched himself at Caroline, who squeaked in surprise.
"Baby," he commanded.
"Words, Gabriel," I reminded him.
When my little brother got excited, he couldn't transfer thoughts to his mouth. I knew because I had raised him and it happened quite a lot. Gabriel blushed.
"Oh, yeah. I meant, can I hold the baby?" Gabriel tried again.
"Oh, sure," Caroline laughed and carefully handed Lea to him.
I watched the exchange closely. As soon as my daughter was in Gabriel's arms, he looked up at me. I sent him a warning. I knew he could hear me when I told him "Hurt her and I smite you". Gabriel backed up a bit.
"Ok, geez. Chill once in a while," Gabe snorted at me.
Caroline furrowed her brow. Lucifer and Raphael had heard my warning too, and they had gone rigid. Gabe went on to coo at Lea.
"Heya kiddo! Uncle Gabey's gonna be your favorite, right? You cute little bean, you can have candy whenever you want!" he poked her nose.
Lea looked up at him, sort of confused. Gabe snapped his fingers and she was suddenly sucking on a lollipop.
"Gabriel!" I reprimanded, "She's 6 months old, you dimwit!!"
I snapped my fingers and the lollipop was gone, and Lea was in my arms. Lucifer snickered at my protective behavior.
"C'mon Dad, don't be such a spoilsport!" Gabe groaned, crossing his arms.
I gave him a confused look at the name, but quickly understood. I gave him my superior unimpressed look. I caught Caroline smiling, amused. I would have been jealous, but I could tell she was watching me with admiring eyes.
"Are you boys gonna go then?" she asked.
I looked over at my brothers, who looked back hopefully. I nodded.
"Yes, we will," I answered.
"Alright. When do you think you'll be back?" Caroline took Lea from me.
"I will try to be home by... 5? 5 sounds fair," I decided.
"Am or pm?" Caroline cracked a grin.
"Am. I could not stay with these dimwits that long," I grinned back.
"Alright. Have fun," Caroline nodded. "I love you."
"I love you too," I gave her a gentle peck on her lips.
Caroline smiled the whole way back into Lea's nursery to put her down again. My brothers and I flew to a local bar. We sat down at the counter. Lucifer ordered the drinks.
"So... A human?" Gabriel raised an eyebrow at me. "I thought you didn't like them."
"I didn't. But Caroline is... Different," I smiled.
"Of course you'd say that! But, like, different how?" Lucifer sipped his beer.
"She's kinder than any other human. She once told me she felt like an outcast from society, because she was different. She told me she felt that something was wrong with her for most of her life. She felt unloved, unwanted. The best part of every day is telling her how much I love her, how much I need her. She has severe anxiety and I love being able to calm her down. Sometimes love hurts, though. I love her more than life, but she doesn't see herself as I do. It's been easier since Aurelea was born, but that is not an easy fix, is it?" I sighed.
Gabriel was grinning, Lucifer looked surprised at my words.
"Dear Father you can wax poetic," Lucifer groaned.
"Oh, shut it," I waved him off.
"So how the hell didn't we know that you sired an Archnephilim?" Gabe asked.
"I didn't want you to, so you didn't," I shrugged.

I feel like that's a weird place to stop but that's all I got rn. Well, I like this lots and I've been planning it for awhile. I hope someone reads this😭. Anyway, have a great day or night loves!
From the desk (phone) of Author Lady Barnes,

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