Beetlejuice- Crowley

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This was random, but BJ reminds me of Crowley, so I said, what if he was Crowley's kid?  And mine too?  That's generally how it works, Me.  Anyway, I received a request, and I SHALL DO IT, I just wanna get this one down cuz I think it's really cool.  Ok, read on, lovelies.

     I looked into my son's eyes.  He looked so much like my husband.  Crowley sat next to me.
"He looks like you already," I said softly.
"Save your energy, love, I've got him," he replied, reaching for the baby.
"No!" I pulled my baby closer to me, "I'm naming him.  Then I can rest."
"Fine.  You stubborn woman," Crowley sighed.
"I love you too, Fergus," I grinned.
"What are you thinking?"
"Lawrence, firstly.  It seems properly princely."
"That works."
"And... There's a star I wanna name him after.  Betelgeuse.  It's one of the brightest in the sky."
"You're a proper nerd."
"I'm a proper Queen of Hell, and I can do what I want."
"Fine, fine.  I love you.  Now, rest!"
     I groaned and handed little Lawrence to Crowley.  I laid back and tried to ignore the awkward looking low-level demons at the door.  Of course, labor is tiring, and I fell right asleep.
~Time Skip~
     Crowley and I were in the library, relaxing.  A demon came up to me quietly, trying not to disturb my husband.  He handed me a report.
"My Queen, a demon is causing a disruption in Connecticut," he explained.
"Thank you, you may go," I glanced at the paper.
     The demon left.  I read more into the report.  The demon doing this was a real mischief-maker.  I sighed.
"Fergus, someone's wreaking havoc topside," I handed him the report.
     Crowley looked at it a moment.  He set it aside.
"Think you can handle this?" he asked. "I can send another one.  If you think you'll-"
"It seems pretty cut and dry, my love.  I can handle it."
"Alright, Caroline.  Be careful.  Be home soon."
     I arrived at the house being terrified.  There was already a familiar vehicle there.  My big brother Dean's Impala sat in the gravel driveway.  I grinned.  I hadn't seen my brothers in years.
     I ran up to the front door.  Sam and Dean were there, trying to pick the lock.  They looked up in surprise at me.  Technically, we hadn't seen each other since Dean sold my soul for Sam's.  I didn't mind, though.  Crowley was the love of my life (or lack thereof).  My brothers dropped the things in their hands.
"Caroline, how are you-" Sam started.
"Long story short, I run Hell with Crowley at my side.  We're married and we have a kid, he's adorbs, but kinda mischievous.  I totally forgive you, Dean-o," I explained all in one breath.
"Wait, wait.  Slow down.  Married?  Crowley?" Dean blinked.
"Yes, keep up.  Now, if you'll excuse me, this is my jurisdiction," I pushed past them, opening the door.
     The scene inside was chaotic.  There were 2 spirits, 3 living people, one a young girl, and in the middle of it all was my son Lawrence.  I sighed deeply, knowing he was responsible.
"Lawrence," I put my hands on my hips angrily.
"M-Mom, hey, hi!" Lawrence started sweating.
"What is the meaning of this?  We got a report.  On our day off!  The demon even came in!  No one does that around your father!" I scolded. "You are a prince, Lawrence, now act like it!!"
     All the others in the room blinked in surprise.  Lawrence groaned childishly.
"The prince of Hell, Mom!" he crossed his arms.
"Either way!  Your father and I have enough trouble keeping the demons in line, but if the heir is off doing this, how do you think that looks?" I cried.
"Fun..." Lawrence mumbled.
    I growled and was about to lose my shit on him.  Sam and Dean were in tbe doorway, slightly disgusted by their nephew they didn't know they had until now.  Everyone else was equally stunned.
"Caroline, are you-" Dean began.
"SHUT IT, Dean!" I zipped his lips, "You've no place to talk!  Selling my soul for Sam's!  Honestly!  Am I the only rational one around here?"
"Actually, um, Lydia killed me.  She tricked me into marrying her and then killed me," Lawrence cleared his throat, indicating the delightfully goth girl.
     I tugged at the air in frustration.
"Lawrence Betelgeuse Macleod, I am calling your father, and he is gonna have a fucking field day with this!" I growled, digging out my cellphone.
"NO!!  MOM, NO!!" Lawrence yelped.
      I dialed Crowley's number and filled him in.  He was pissed, to say the least.  He appeared at my side in less than a second, alive with rage.
"Moose, Squirrel," he acknowledged my brothers.
     He barely stopped to orient himself before running at Lawrence and grabbing him by the ear.  Lawrence howked in pain, begging for me to help.
"You are GROUNDED!  And furthermore, to pressure you into good behavior, you're going to have a younger sibling and rival for the throne!" Crowley dragged my son by the ear.
"Wait, Fergus, we-" I sputtered, surprised.
"We'll get started when we get home," my husband winked seductively at me.
     My entire face went red as he and Lawrence disappeared.  I covered my face in my hands.  The girl, Lydia, burst out laughing.  Everyone else was mildly uncomfortable.  Sam and Dean shiftes awkwardly behind me.
     I bade the others goodbye and pulled my brothers outside.  Sam and Dean had so many questions.
"I don't like this, Caroline," Dean scolded, "Crowley making passes at my little sister."
"Shoulda thought of that before you sold my soul," I stuck out my tongue at him. "Besides, I love him and he loves me, and apparently we failed as parents!"
"Can we sit down and catch up over some food?" Sam grinned.
"I'd like that.  I'll let Fergus know I'll be late.  Won't matter, he'll still insist on another baby, but who cares.  Maybe we'll have a girl!"
"You are... Interesting..."

This was random, and I'm not sure how good it is, but whatevs.  I hope you all can tolerate it.  Please read my other ones before this!  I really like them and it makes me sad that no one reads them.  Anyway, please comment, the human interaction will make me feel like a person again.
From the desk (phone) of Author Lady Barnes,

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