Carter Kane- Anubis

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"Carter!" I yelled. "We're here!"
Carter rushed up from belowdecks. He looked at our surroundings, which were lit with an unnatural red glow from the river of lave we were sailing on. Bast and Sadie were at the front of the boat. I walked up to Carter. He looked away from the land and back at me.
"So... this is the Land of the Dead," he murmured.
"Yeah. Quite pretty, isn't it?" I grinned.
"I was going to say creepy, but whatever," he shrugged.
"We're gonna stop Set."
"Maybe we won't. Then what? The world ends. And I'm lame and scrawny..."
"Well, so am I. We have magic, Carter. We're strong in our own way."
"Whatever you say..."
Bast motioned us off the boat and we walked through the doorway and into the palace. It was black marble with magic glowing torches. I liked it. The throne room looked gross. It was once beautiful, but now it was not. The columns were crumbling and the scales in the center of the room were broken. A little monster was sleeping at the base of the scale. A jackal-headed man walked into the light. Carter was unnerved, and I had to admit, he was intimidating. I squinted at him. The throne room shimmered and my new surroundings were dark and muggy, with tombstones and hanging moss. I was in a graveyard. The jackal-headed man shifted. He now had the face of a human, with dark eyes and dark hair. I drew in a breath.
"Anubis," I said.
"Caroline," he matched my tone.
"What is this?" I asked.
"One of my favorite places to hang out. In New Orleans," Anubis answered.
"Um... what about the others? Carter, and Sadie... and Bast?"
"They will not notice our absence."
"Uh... right. So, are they frozen, or... or what?"
"Essentially. I wanted to have a word with you in private."
"Uh... Listen, if I did something wrong, I didn't mean to."
"It's not that. I did something wrong, and you ought to know."
"Oh. That clears it right up."
"Patience... is a virtue."
"Right, then..."
"So. What is it you felt the need to tell me?"
"If it's about my father, don't. I already know. He left Mom in the hospital, after seeing me. Didn't like me, apparently, though, who couldn't?" I flashed the god a quirky grin and his eyebrows furrowed.
"No. I am your father. Whatever your mother told you is a lie. I loved you the moment I saw you, but things were beginning to deteriorate in the Land of the Dead. I had to leave, or souls would escape."
"I am no liar. Whatever you may have heard, I do not lie."
"I'm s'posed to believe that?"
"No. But you can choose to."
"You know what, I like you. I'll believe it."
"So, you're my dad."
"That I am."
"Can I go back to Carter now?"
"What of the others you mentioned?"
"Eh, I just care about Carter more."
"You realize what that is, right?"
"Love? Doubt it. If it is, whoop-dee-do. It's not like he cares about me. He likes Zia."
"I am no love expert, but I can tell you the boy cares for you."
"Right. Take me back."
"As you wish, my child."
Anubis approached me and touched my arm. I blinked and I was back in the throne room. Carter ran at me.
"What did he do to you!?" he cried.
"N-nothing! Just talked," I stammered.
"Dangerous," Sadie snorted.
"He-" I stopped. My father's voice echoed in my mind, No. They are not ready. While you're at it, check your pocket. DO NOT LIE. You will burn up.
"He gave me this..." I pulled out the feather of truth and passed it to Sadie.
"Whoa," Sadie grinned. "Brilliant."
"Oh, uh, side note. Don't lie. You'll burn up," I said.
"Cheerful place," Sadie laughed.
"Uh, right then..." Carter said. "Let's get back to daylight."
"Aww. I like it here!" I whined.
"You'll have plenty of time to like it when you're dead," Carter replied sternly. "That wasn't an invitation."
"I know. C'mon."
Carter laced his fingers through mine and led me out. Sadie was ahead of us. I glanced back at Anubis. He was jackal-headed again.
So... bye, then, father. I thought.
I will stay with you. In a non-stalker way, I mean. he answered.
So, I can just talk to you like this?
I'd nod if you could hear that in your mind.
Carter hefted me onto the boat. He led me down to his room. I sat on his bed and picked the hem of my linen pajama shirt. Stupid magic clothes. Carter looked at me.
"What really happened?" he inquired.
"What do you... he-he just... wanted to tell me about the feather of truth..." I lied.
"No offense, but you're a terrible liar."
Oh, alright. He cannot spread the word outside of your group, though.
"He's my dad..." I cleared my throat. Carter blinked.
"He's what now?" he asked.
"Anubis is my father."
"Don't ask me, but I chose to believe him."
"But that's-"
"I wouldn't dwell on it. He says you can tell Sadie and by extent Bast."
"That I will..."
Carter stumbled up to the deck. I heard him telling Sadie, who choked, and Bast who followed him back down.
"I knew you smelled like dog," Bast hissed.
"Good for me," I shifted uncomfortably.
"Bast, can you, uh, give us a moment?" Carter shoved his hands in his pockets.
"Of course," the cat nodded, heading back up. Carter closed the door.
"Caroline," he swallowed. "I..."
"Whatever you're going to say, I didn't do it," I frowned.
"Yes, you did. You made me fall for you. You just... you're too amazing."
"I like you."
"You... Carter... like me? That's not... the world... it doesn't work like that... right?"
"Like what?"
"The odds are terribly low that you would reciprocate my feelings."
"Never tell me the odds."
I laughed. Carter grinned. He moved away from the door and sat next to me. I laced my fingers through his, trying to process the information. Carter got closer, until I could feel him breathing on me. I leaned in. Carter's lips brushed mine. He pulled me to him, so that my mouth collided with his. For a second, I was shocked, but it wore off and I kissed him back. Carter pulled back slightly.
"Shoes off my bed," he was so close that when he spoke, his lips bumped into mine.
"Oops," I blushed.
I kicked off my tennis shoes. Carter kissed me again, but the door clicked and opened. Carter and I jumped back. Sadie stared at us. Her expression morphed from shock to laughter.
"Mr. Wikipedia, Death Breath, I now pronounce you husband and wife," she chuckled. Carter and I put on indignant, embarrassed looks.
"Shut up, Sadie," we huffed in synchronization (can have but one explanation, you and I were just meant to beeeee. Say goodbye, say goodbye to the pain of the past, we don't have to feel it anymorrreee! Love is an open doooor! Sorry, childhood calls).
"Cute," Sadie looked smug.

Hi, friends! And critics, I won't judge. (Is judging). Anyway, hope you like, cuz I'm dangerously low on battery power. The perilous 30% *shudders* brrrrr. Baiii!
From the desk (iPad) of Author Lady Barnes,

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