With that thought she closed her book and went to sleep. Next morning after getting ready, she came down from her room for breakfast with her mother and brother. Her mother was looking over new designs for her next fashion show. She was very successful fashion designer among humans. Her brother as usual was going through some business papers. Her dad usually left for elders meeting by this time in the morning.  The pack house was in the shape of cross, north wing belongs to alpha family. East wing was the pack armory, south wing has the pack office and west wing have many studio type apartments for single pack members who wants to live independently. At the center of cross shape pack house was there banquet for conducting feast. Rest pack-members live in their houses in close vicinity of pack house. Inferno pack was quiet secluded from rest of civilization. The pack was separated by river followed by their vast land which they have developed into dense forest with time.  

They all remain silent during breakfast. They have mutual understanding and respect of each other busy schedule. After breakfast Manya left for college which was one hour drive away from her pack. She feels lucky that she was accepted in such a world reputed college. They have many international students in their college. Her family and her education were they only things that have kept her going on for last 8 years.

 When she entered her class everyone walked away from her as if she carried some contagious disease and they will die if they came in her vicinity. She heard people calling her with names and throwing insults towards her. She sat on her regular seat at the corner of the class in order to avoid extra teasing. She was sitting alone for such a long time that she had even forgotten the feeling of company and sharing. Many times she just watched her class mates enjoying each other company. Suddenly a paper boll hit her head, bringing her back from her trance.

Against her better judgment she opened it. ‘Watch your back’ was written in bold. Then she saw Brutus evilly smirking at her from the other end of class. For rest of the lecture she was unable to concentrate on what was being taught in class. With the end of class her hurt was pumping too rapidly she thought she was going to have heart attack. When bell rang, she quickly packed her bag and literally ran to next class. When she was running through the corridor, someone pushed her hard and she tumbled down. Instantly fire alarms for that wing of college start ringing. Everybody start running madly through corridor. She was caught in middle of stampede. Some walked over her accidently but few walked over her intentionally scratching her dress from many places. It takes 15-20 min for security to control the rush and stop the fire alarm. At the end her whole body was hurting badly. She somehow managed to get and started walking toward infirmary which was luckily near to accident spot. She slowly realized that her dress was torn from several places. She tried to cover her body as much she can with her bag.  She heard her pack mates laughing at her and some were snapping pics of her pity state. Tears started rolling down her eyes but she composed herself, she didn’t want to cry in front of Brutus because it feeds his ego. She tried to blend with human’s crowd moving toward infirmary to save herself from further embarrassment.

Nurse attended her wounds and was also kind enough to give her some clothes from lost and found items, which were covered her entirely. Nurse had suggested her to take rest for rest of college so she decided drop her books in locker and call her dad to pick her up. Her walk too locker was painful, each part of her body was injured. After locking her books in her locker when she pulled out her phone to call her dad, she accidentally clicked on notification for recent activities on college community page on facebook. They have posted her snapshots of stampede. And comments like “That was fun, “we really enjoyed the show manny, thanks”, “Floor suits you better”, she stopped reading those in middle and her legs starts shaking. She took support of wall to prevent her from falling. Slowly she bends down on knee, and start crying. She was shocked that how can someone be so cruel; first they crushed her body under their feet and then goes on displaying her misery in front of whole school. She was unable to compose herself this time.

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