Niall Horan and Burns

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"Wake up Melanie! It's time to get up." I glared at Zayn as I laid in my bunk.

"Go away." I rasped

"No it's time to get up we're going to IHop to get pancakes." I glared at my best friend.

"Come on sour puss it's time to get up!" he grabbed my arms and pulled me out before I could stop him wrapping his arms tight around my stomach. Instantly I felt queasy.

"Are you alright Mel? You look a little pale." said Zayn concernedly.

"Queasy." I mumbled.

"That's not good are you feeling alright?" he asked "Hey what's up?" Harry had walked into the bunk area of the bus.

"Mel isn't feeling well." answered Zayn for me his arms still around my waist holding me up.

"Whats wrong babe?" Harry asked worried "Head ache, throat?"

"Tummy." I replied.

"That's not good." he remarked

"What's not good?" Louis had joined us in the small area in the bunks.

"Melanie's stomachs hurting her." Harry told him.

"Oh no Melanie what happened did you eat anything funny?" asked Louis "Do you think your gonna throw up?" asked Zayn I shook my head twice.

"Hey what's going on back here? We're at IHop already I thought you were hungry." now with the addition of Niall the area was feeling claustrophobic. As Zayn explained my predicament i began to feel increasing squished and hot. My head began to pound and the feeling of nausea increased.

"Cramped." I whispered.

"Come on let's go inside maybe you just need to eat something." said Louis "Maybe." I agreed and allowed them to lead me off the van and inside where Liam was waiting for us at a booth.

"What took you so long?" he asked. Louis and Harry jumped in to explain as I was quickly situated between Zayn and Niall. Niall seemed to be very fluttery as he was being very gentle with me speaking in a soft and quieter than normal voice.

"What are you going to order?" asked Louis "I don't want to eat anything sugary so I'll have...chicken fingers and French fries." I sighed. Normally I would have been into the boys conversations and laughing a lot but I just didn't feel up to it. I felt lifeless and exhausted not to mention my queasy stomach and aching head.

When the lady finally came to take our orders I let the boys go first.

"And for you?" she asked glaring at me. Honestly I was used to it. What with Zayns arm around my waist and Niall leaning against me.

"Id like chicken strips, with fries, and a decaf tea please." I told her. Rolling her eyes she wrote it down.

"I'll be back in a bit." she said aiming a flirtatious smile at the boys her fingers sliding down Nialls arm.

Surprisingly she got the order down right normally the waitresses ignore what I say and get me something disgusting out of jealousy. To think I actually thought I might get through a nice brunch with the boys for once, my stomach did not appreciate anything going inside it even though it wasn't sugary syrup.

Sitting there Niall finishing off my fries I sighed. I waved for the waitress.

"Can I get you anything?" the waitress snapped at me.

"Could you not snap at her thank you?" demanded Niall "Yes that would be appreciated." agreed Louis "Guys!" I hissed.

"Just because she's nice enough to let you walk on her because your our fan doesn't mean we are." butted in Harry. I blushed and looked down at the table why were they doing this now?!?

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