Part 7 : What is this weird feeling inside me?

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500 years ago, a ruthless demon caused a rampage upon the Clover Kingdom. They were so close to extinction until their saviour with a four leaf grimoire came to save his kingdom, he defeated the blood thirsty demon on its own, with no help from any other Magic Knights. He became the first Wizard King. . .

Previously on "Not Your Ordinary Love Life" . . .

Asta checked her ankle to find a tiny injury "You will survive don't worry" he giggled "I-is not funny, bakasta!" Noelle said all flustered while she was STILL on the floor. "HELP ME, IM ROYALTY I DONT BELONG IN THE GROUND" Noelle snapped. "Yes your 'highness'" Asta rolled his eyes and walked towards Noelle. He carried her bridal style and started walking towards the HQ. "Are you comfortable your 'highness'" Asta tried not to laugh. Noelle looked away, hiding her shy expression. "Am I heavy?" Noelle mumbled, "Nope not really!" Asta quickly replied with a smile. Noelle blushed, "In fact your as light as a feather!" Asta stopped walking, twirled around and then carried Noelle up towards the sky. They looked at each other, Asta carried her bridal style again and leaned forward. They both closed their eyes and . . .

"GO GET A ROOM!" said a stranger. They both realized what they were about to do and did not talk to each until the arrived to the HQ.

Lately, I can't stop feeling this weird pain in my heart. It feels like someone is holding my heart tighter and tighter, I can barely breath. I will go and talk about it with Dr. Owen, I'm sure he knows what it is! After having a little nap under the tree, I heard a sweet gentle voice. "Hey bakasta, wake up!" I rubbed my eyes to find Noelle looking down at me with both hands on her hips. "Took you long, hmph" Noelle said while pushing one of her pigtails backwards. "Noelle do you need anything?" I still felt a little bit sleepy, "They are about to announce who has been accepted in the Royal Knights!" Noelle seemed very excited, she had a very cute expression, my heart felt like it was about to explode every time I looked at her. "Well then let's go bakasta!" Noelle took my hand and turned around towards the direction of the Royal Capital.  

Asta, Yuno, Noelle and Mimosa were able to join the Royal Knights! Asta and Yuno were one step closer to becoming the Wizard King! Everyone was so excited but for some reason Asta seemed a little bit sad.  .   .

"Hey, Asta are you alright" Yuno approached with his dead stare like always. I really needed some advice, so we both walked to a silent area and had a talk . "Lately, I have been getting this weird feeling " I looked up towards the sky while the gentle breeze brushed my hair to my face. "Do you feel this when your near someone or just out of nowhere?" Yuno looked at me. "Well, It always happens when I'm thinking of something, like food or Noelle!" When I finished my sentence I clocked and understood what was going on with me. I quickly stood and turned to Yuno "Thank you, Yuno!" I gave him a huge smile before I left. 

At the HQ .  .  .

"Noelle! Wait a second!" I ran as fast as possible while trying to breath in some air. "Is there something wrong bakasta?" Noelle gave me a worried look. Before I said anything I relaxed for a little bit and the grabbed her hand. "We have to talk" Noelle was blushing, maybe she was embarrassed? I couldn't tell but, seeing her like that made me feel shy. I took us both inside the forest and we both sat down. For some reason I kept avoiding eye contact and we where sitting really far away from each other. It was silent for like 20 minutes? But luckily Noelle started the conversation.

"A-about yesterday. . ." Noelle was trying to avoid eye contact. "Thank you and sorry" She tilted her head. I noticed something I haven't noticed before. Her eyes were so sparkly, I couldn't stop staring at her. "Do you feel better now?" I asked her, "Yeah thank you" She had such a sweet smiled I could only nod back " To be honest I was embarrassed at first, mostly because I thought I was heavy" Noelle kept staring at the lake. I couldn't hear anything she was saying again, but I could feel my heart beating 2 times its normal speed. It was the same feeling again. I closed my eyes and leaned forward and left my heart to control my body, I could feel something warm pressing against my lips. I slowly opened my eyes to find Noelle all flustered and shocked. I mean like why wouldn't she be shocked? AND FIRST OF ALL WHY ARE WE EVEN KISSING. 

We pulled away from each other, "I-I-I'M SO SO SO SORRY" I stuttered while moving my hands up and down in the air. I was shaking to death about what she was going to say, wait, Noelle didn't even answer me she! I THINK I BROKE NOELLE. I grabbed her shoulders and gently began to shake her  "N-noelle! COME BACK TO ME!" Smoke kept coming out from Noelle's face and before I even knew it, I was flying. I actually knew she was going to this sooner or later. "Y-Y-Y-Y-YOU B-BIG IDIOOOOOOOTTTT!!!" That was the last thing I heard before I fell inside the lake and nearly choked to death.


Etto, sorry guys for this short episode mainly it is longer than this but I have like loads of work. I GOT SEND LIKE 21 BOOKS IN ONE DAY. I dont think Im going to survive quarantine ;-;

The next episode WILL BE AFTER THEY WON AGAINST THE EYE OF THE MIDNIGHT SUN, I'm really bad at writing fighting scripts so please forgive me. But anyways they will be attending a ball so I was thinking of either Yuno attending the ball with Charmy or Mimosa. Thank you for reading this chapter. See you next on the chapter "Let's dance while the night is still young!"


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