Part 6 : Operation stop being a tsundere and ask him out!

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500 years ago, a ruthless demon caused a rampage upon the Clover Kingdom. They were so close to extinction until their saviour with a four leaf grimoire came to save his kingdom, he defeated the blood thirsty demon on its own, with no help from any other Magic Knights. He became the first Wizard King. . .

Previously on "Not Your Ordinary Love Life" . . .

" Has anyone seen Noelle?" Asta asked, "Noelle said she was going to take a walk" Luck answered. Asta went inside the forest to look for her. He saw her resting on a tree while looking up at the stars. He sat next to her and looked up as well. "I did it, bakasta" Noelle said with a smile on her face. Asta looked at her "I don't know what you did but, I'm proud of you". Noelle rest her head on Asta's shoulder and they both began to look at the stars, together.

It was already morning and our heroes have gotten up ready for a new day. They were busy with their daily routines until Noelle approached Asta  .  .  .

"B-bakasta" said a shy voice. Asta turned around to see Noelle playing with her hair. "Yes Noelle?" Asta asked while he cleaned the dirt and sweat from his face. "I was wondering if we c-could.  .   ."Noelle was stuttering as she couldn't say the words. "Noelle?" Asta was holding his sword while staring at Noelle with a confused expression. "N-never mind, just forget about it bakasta" Noelle walked away from Asta and went back inside the HQ. Everyone saw Noelle coming back inside so they all went back to their places and acted as if they didn't see anything. Except Vanessa, of course. "O la la, Noelle *hic*" Vanessa said while she was placing her arm around Noelle. "You shouldn't give up *hic* like that" Vanessa then giggled while Noelle was blushing, "Don't worry Noelle let me do the talking for you!" Vanessa was running zig zag towards Asta. Everyone placed their palms on their forehead. "W-wait Vanessa don't!" Noelle ran behind Vanessa all flustered.

"Asta my boy!*hic*" Vanessa waved at Asta, "I have something *hic* to tell you" Vanessa was losing her balance and couldn't even walk straight. Noelle tried to catch up as fast as possible. "Noelle wants to ask you o-" before Vanessa could finish her sentence, Noelle pushed her towards the floor leaving her unconscious. " I wanted to ask you out on a date!" Noelle said as she was trying regain her energy back "N-not as boyfriend and g-girlfriend, hmph!". Asta reached his hand towards Noelle "Sure, let's go on a date!" Asta gave her a huge smile. They stared into each other's eyes until Asta asked "So... What is a date?". Everyone inside the HQ felt bad for Noelle.

Anyways time skip to the date .    .    .

"Check out this awesome game! Win to get an amazing prize". Asta's ears twitched as he heard the word 'prize'. "Noelle let's try the game over there" Asta grabbed Noelle's hand and began to walk towards the man. "Excuse me mister we would like to participate in this game" Asta said with an excited expression. They both paid and the man told them the rules. "The rules are very simple all you have to do is use the hammer to hit this machine. If you ring the bell or get a high score you will earn a prize". Noelle decided to go first, thanks to the training she had with Mereleona she was able to at least get a high score. She was won a pink bunny plushie, it made her remember about her past. Asta was up next, he ended destroying the machine. Noelle apologized for his mistake and payed the man. She then grabbed Asta's hand and began to run without looking back. 

Asta's eyes widened as he was impressed by what Noelle did for him. They both stopped near a restaurant and their stomachs where growling like angry beast. Noelle got embarrassed as she hold her prize close to her stomach, "Let's get something to eat, my treat!" Asta gave Noelle a huge smile and entered the restaurant. Asta ordered steak and green peas and Noelle ordered chocolate sundae. "Noelle pou shoutd ty this, is do dmecious" Asta tried to talk with his mouth full. "Bakasta is bad manners to talk with your mouth full!" Noelle said while she pointed her spoon towards him. Asta swallowed his food, he took another spoonful "Noelle open your mouth!" Asta smiled at her "Is very delicious!". Noelle went as red as a tomato but still opened her mouth allowing Asta to feed her. Noelle's eyes widened as the taste of the steak began to melt in her mouth "I-is so delicious!". Noelle covered her mouth with one hand.

"Can I taste some of your sundae" Asta gave Noelle puppy eyes, "S-sure, bakasta" Noelle turned her head so she could avoid eye contact with Asta. She took a spoonful of her sundae and reached out her hand towards Asta, he tried to eat it but Noelle's hand was shaking at kept moving. "You leave me no choice" Asta said in a serious tone. He grabbed her wrist to stop her from moving and FINALLY ate the sundae. Noelle was flustered because of what Asta did, he was still holding her wrist "This is so sweet!" Asta opened his eyes to find Noelle blushing and staring at him. He then started to blush a little bit. "S-sorry I got carried away" he let go of Noelle's wrist and turned around to hide his face expression. 

On their way back to the HQ our heroes seemed to be to shy to start a conversation, so they me left no choice but to make the author of this fanfic do this .   .   . 

Noelle was walking behind Asta, trying to keep her distance since she was still blushing about what happened. "Now that I think about it, Asta and I shared the same spoon, which means . . ." Noelle thought " WE HAD AN INDIRECT KISS!" Noelle quickly covered her mouth as she accidently said it out loud. "Did you say something Noelle?" Asta stopped and turned around to look at Noelle. "I-i d-didn't say ANYTHING, BAKAST-" Noelle tripped on a rock and fell on the floor. Asta quickly ran towards Noelle to her aid and reached his hand towards her "Are you okay?" he asked. Noelle grabbed his hand and tried to stand up "NO I FELL DOWN AND IT WAS SO EMBARRASING" Noelle said in a childish tone and nearly cried. Asta began to laugh "Sorry I just can't take you seriously!" he wiped his tears (of laughter). Noelle was way to embarrassed to look at Asta in the eyes. "My ankle hurts" Noelle in a childish tone trying not to make eye contact.

Asta checked her ankle to find a tiny injury "You will survive don't worry" he giggled "I-is not funny, bakasta!" Noelle said all flustered while she was STILL on the floor. "HELP ME, IM ROYALTY I DONT BELONG IN THE GROUND" Noelle snapped. "Yes your 'highness'" Asta rolled his eyes and walked towards Noelle. He carried her bridal style and started walking towards the HQ. "Are you comfortable your 'highness'" Asta tried not to laugh. Noelle looked away, hiding her shy expression. "Am I heavy?" Noelle mumbled, "Nope not really!" Asta quickly replied with a smile. Noelle blushed, "In fact your as light as a feather!" Asta stopped walking, twirled around and  then carried Noelle up towards the sky. They looked at each other, Asta carried her bridal style again and leaned forward. They both closed their eyes and .    .     .

"GO GET A ROOM!" said a stranger. They both realized what they were about to do and did not talk to each until the arrived to the HQ.


Aren't I soo nice I stopped them from kissing. Hope you liked this chapter, thank you for reading it! See you soon in the next chapter were ASTA will be the protagonist. The name for ze chapter is "What is this weird feeling inside me?" SEE YOU GUYS NEXT TIME. 


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