Part 4 : Preparing for the exam!

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500 years ago, a ruthless demon caused a rampage upon the Clover Kingdom. They were so close to extinction until their saviour with a four leaf grimoire came to save his kingdom, he defeated the blood thirsty demon on its own, with no help from any other Magic Knights. He became the first Wizard King. . .

Previously on "Not Your Ordinary Love Life"

"You won this fight just as you won my heart and love" said Noelle as she stared into his eyes and they both got flustered a bit. Asta placed his arms around her and leaned closer. " I promise you my never ending love" he said as placed his fingers on her chin. The curtains closed and the audience stood up cheering, laughing, clapping. Mimosa had a huge nosebleed and fainted, Charmy was still K.O, Vanessa started whistling. Asta and Noelle were still staring at each other blushing. "EVERYONE LOVED MY PLAY!" Mr.Terre said while he was moved deeply.

It was a normal morning were everyone was doing their daily routines. Luck like always was teasing Magna, Charmy was eating food, Vanessa was drunk only wearing her underwear, Gauche was having a nosebleed while looking at the picture of his little sister , Grey was covering face while Gordon was mumbling to himself. Finral went on "date", Asta was training like always and Noelle was staring at him all flustered while remembering what happened in the play. Out of Nowhere, the door was blown away just to find Captain Yami holding Finral by the head.  " Alright kiddos gather around I have some exciting news" Captain Yami walked inside the head quarters and threw Finral on the floor. 

"The Wizard King has chosen to create squad called the Royal Knights-"  Captain Yami was interrupted by the one and only , Asta " What are Royal Knights??" Asta was grabbed by the head "Interrupt me one more time and I'll kill you!" Captain Yami said in an intimidating tone while he was squashing Asta's head. "Anyways like I was saying, Royal knights are powerful Magic Knights that will be chosen by the Wizard King to eliminate The Eye of the Midnight Sun" as Captain Yami carried on explaining, everyone became very interested and some of them decided to go and apply for the exam. "Hey ,Noelle!" Asta said while walking towards her " Are you applying for the exam?". Noelle still wasn't ready to look him in the eye as she was still embarrassed but was able to talk normal.

 "Of course I am, bakasta" she flipped one of her pigtails backwards. "Then lets go apply together!" Asta grabbed her hand while giving her a huge smile making her to be as red as a tomato. He began to run while still holding Noelle's hand creating a shy but happy expression.

When they arrived to the Capital.  .  .  .

"Asta!" said a familiar voice behind them "Noelle!" it was Mimosa with Yuno. "So your applying for the Royal Knights exam, Asta" Yuno asked him while he smirked " Of course I am, and obviously I'm going to win!" Asta answered. "Noelle" Mimosa said while tapping her " Can we talk?" Noelle nodded and they both walked away from Asta and Yuno's childish fight. "Once I join the Royal Knights, I'm going to confess to Asta" Mimosa said with a fake smile. Noelle was shocked as she knew that her childhood friend became her love rival. "W-what?!" those where the only words that could come out of Noelle's mouth.

 "I know you have a crush on him" Mimosa said with a serious tone, "You are to much of a tsundere to ask him out" She added. Noelle was shocked about what she said and looked down. "I don't want to fight you, because I'm worried about our friendship so pl-" Noelle ignored what Mimosa was about to say and stared at her "I'm sorry but it wont be that easy" Noelle folded her arms and gave her a fierce look. They stared at each other as they knew their battle have already began. "Why are you both so silent?" Asta asked. They both ignored him and still kept staring at each other. "I think they are arguing" Yuno whispered.

After our heroines finished applying for the exam, they both went their own ways and began to train as they knew their battle was approaching.  .  .  .

Everyone gathered around  as they were partying. "Hey is it me or does it feel like someone is missing?" Asta said while he looked around "Oh, Noelle is not here she said she was going to go and sleep early" Magna replied. "Ahh, I see" Asta mumbled while looking down, "I'm going to take a quick walk around the forest" he stood and began to walk while waving goodbye to his commarades. 

While he was wondering around he began to hear noises. He walked towards the direction to find Noelle training. "If I rely on magic on the exam I will quickly run out of mana" she said while she was panting and cleaning the sweat on her face " But I still need to get better so I wont drag my teammates down!". Asta's eyes widened as he was amazed by Noelle's effort "Good luck, Noelle" he whispered and walked away towards the head quarters.

The Next Day, Asta started training as he knew that joining the Royal Knights wont be easy. They had at exactly 3 weeks to train and learn new spells before the exam will begin. Mimosa went to the Heart Kingdom with her big brother to learn new spells. Yuno went on missions to test his spells and strengh, while Noelle no one knew where she went, except me, the narrator. 

Since I'm kind I'll tell you where she is.  Somewhere in the Capital at 8:00 am .  .  .

*Knock knock*  "Who is awake at this time" a strong female voice groaned as she opened the door. "Please" said a gentle voice as they took their hood off "Please teach me combat skills , Ms. Mereleona!" she said while staring at her with determination "Noelle?" said  Mereleona.

The end of the chapter!!!

I'm sorry if this chapter was short, my schedule has started to increase so I dont get enough time to write. I also wanted to say "HOLY SH*T THANK YOU FOR 100+ VIEWS!!!!" I actually cant believe it neither my ranking for #astaxnoelle Im really greatfull so I'm going to carry on this fanfic, in advance I'm sorry if I dont upload often the next episode will be THE EXAM!, the title will be "The battle that determines our future!" See you guys next time! Listen this song as the outro UwU

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