Chapter 16

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A hand waving infront of my face snapped me back to reality. I turned to see Khalifa.

"W..when did you get here?" I asked.

"Three minutes ago, you were just staring at the tv, thought I had to hit you to get your attention or something." He answered, I sighed sitting up.

"Thank you for coming" I whispered. He grunted folding his arms across his chest.

"So what do you want?"

Great. Asshole Khalifa is back.

"I... do you know where Hajiya sent her?" I asked. He let out a humourless laugh before looking back at me.

"Even if I did, why the hell would I tell you?" He sneered.

"Khalifa please you don't understand..."

"No Abba, YOU don't understand. You had ome chance and you screwed everything up" he snapped. I stood up glaring at him.

"Don't you think I don't know I fucked up? Don't you think the guilt isn't eating me up? I can't even go 5 minutes without thinking about her!!! I can't eat, I can't sleep and I can't fucking function because everything reminds me of her. I keep on thinking if she is happy, if she has eaten, if the kids there are nice to her, if she gets to watch tv. She consumes my thoughts Khalifa. I am going mad with worry so please I beg of you if you know where she is, take me to her. Hell, tell me where she is, I'll go there myself. Hajiya doesn't have to know." I begged. He sighed, the fire in his eyes dying.

"I'm sorry but I can't go against Hajiya's wish." He whispered looking away. I nodded feeling the little hope I had leave my body. I suddenly felt extremely tired and sat back down.

"I get it. It's fine. Thank you" I replied staring ahead.

"Abba you know how Haji..." he began.

"I know Khalifa. It's alright. I understand" I assured him forcing a smile as I looked up at him.

"You can go. My regards to Najma" with that I turned to the tv.

I heard him sigh followed by receding footsteps, the front door closing shortly after. I was left alone with my thoughts and they slowly started consuming me once more.

You're such a failure. Poor Yasmin. She's better of without you. She deserves better. All those orphanage horror stories you used to see online? Maybe she's living through them now and it's all your fault.

"You know what? Pack an overnight bag. I can't leave you like this" Khalifa said walking back in.

"You don't have to. I'll be fine." I replied.

"I'm not suggesting it, infact, I'll just do it myself" he said exiting the living room. He came back a few minutes later.

"Let's go" he ordered. I switched off the tv and staggered up. We walked out of the house and locked the door.

We got into his car, the drive to his house was quiet. He unlocked the door and we walked in.

"I'll set the guest room for y..."

"Babe, are you back?" Najma asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah" he replied. I heard her footsteps as she approached us. The smile on her face disappeared the moment she saw me.

"What is he doing here?"

"Najma I know you don't want to see him but..." Khalifa tried explaining but she wasn't having any of it.

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