Chapter 11

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I woke up a little on the late side, savouring the fact that I could sleep in and not worry about work.

Damn who thought I would ever say that?

Saturdays were usually pretty slow in Hajiya's place, only the helps seemed to be moving around.

I got dressed in my sportswear, inserting my galaxy buds and grabbing my phone. I headed for the gate. Stretching a little before I took off for a run.


By the time I was back, I was drenched. I was never a gym person, preferring to either go for a jog or a run.

I made my way to the chalet, tossing the buds and the phone on the bed before heading to the bathroom. I had a shower and tossed my sportswear into the washing machine.

I watched it beep, signifying it was about to start. I got dressed and walked to the main house. I could hear Hajiya's voice coming from the dining room.

"Good morning Hajiya" I greeted. She smiled in reply and returned to her call. The maid brought me a cup of coffee and I almost cried out knowing it was going to taste horrible.

What I wouldn't do for a cup of coffee from wherever Amaka got her coffee from. I should ask her.

I made a mental note to ask her on Monday. I took a deep breath and raised the mug to my lips.

Here goes nothing

I took a sip and winced a bit. It wasn't as bad as the last cup they made for me but it wasn't that good either.

I sighed, pushing the cup away. I'll go get coffee, I couldn't survive on shitty coffee.

And what money are you going to use?

I rolled my eyes before realising I still had money from this deadbeat job.

I brought out my phone and dialled my bank's short code. I requested for my balance and the reply was instant.


I felt the air leave my lungs as I stared at the amount.

What the flipping fuck?

How was I going to survive on 150k?

I felt my vision blur and I had no idea if it was because I wanted to cry or the lack of oxygen in my lungs.

I was fucked

"Atine, please wake Yasmin up. She can go back to sleep after breakfast."

Yasmin... shit

I had totally forgotten about her. 150 thousand Naira.


I groaned out loud.

"Abba are you okay?" Hajiya asked.


"Y...yeah." I replied forcing a smile. Atine brought in a half asleep Yasmin, her Princess Sofia pyjamas rumpled from sleep. I almost forgot my financial crisis before it came crashing back down.

Oh shit.

She made her way to Hajiya and climbed up to her lap. Hajiya chuckled at her actions before asking her what she wanted for breakfast.

"Coco cups" she mumbled, I frowned wondering what cereal that was.

Atine brought back a bowl, a pitcher of milk and Coco Pops.

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