Chapter 5

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I woke up the next day pretty late with a pounding headache, which normal happens when you party into the early hours of the morning.

Hearing Najma's voice coming from the kitchen, I made my way there. She was cooing and feeding the baby.

“Morning.” I greeted.

“Afternoon actually” she corrected wiping her mouth with a wet cloth.

I looked over at the baby as she stared at me.

"How did she sleep?"

"Soundly, she whimpered a little like she was having a nightmare but I was able to get her back to sleep." Najma explained pushing a plate of chips and a mug of coffee to me.

"Thanks" I murmured handing her over to Najma before digging into the food.

"I called the orphanage this morning. They are expecting us by 3pm." Najma said, I nodded taking a sip of the coffee.

"How was the party?" She asked.

How the hell did she find out?


"Let's just get this over with" she whispered. I nodded, feeling my appetite disappearing. I was tempted to push the food away but knowing Najma was already pissed off at me, I decided not to push my luck.

I ate the remaining breakfast in silence while Najma played with the baby. After breakfast I had my bath and shrugged on a kaftan I had left at their house.

We met by the front door, the baby on her hip.

"Ready?" She asked. I sighed nodding before opening the door. We walked to the car

"What's the name of the orphanage?" I asked.

"Golden Heart Home for the less Privileged"

"Well that's a mouthful" I murmured, pushing the ignition button and the car purred to life.

Najma gave me the address, it was at the other side of town.

"We need to get her more clothes" she murmured rubbing the baby's back.

My mind immediately went back to the day I tried buying her clothes and I let out a shudder.

I should have just gone to the thrift sho...

Are you crazy?! Hell no!!! We do not do second hand clothing!!!

I let out a groan, I could already feel a headache coming up.

"Are you even listening to me?" Najma huffed, anger lacing her voice.

"Sorry, yeah, clothes. We'll get her more clothes" I replied glancing over at them as we stopped at a red light.

"Good, I'll make a list then" she said pulling out her phone from her bag. My eyes drifted to the baby who was fast asleep.

How much sleep do you need?

My inner monotone was cut short when she opened her eyes, her gaze on me.

It was shocking, I mean for a child her age to have such an intense gaze. The more I stared into her eyes, the more it dredged up memories I would rather keep suppressed. I couldn't understand why she made me feel like this.

"ABBA!!!" Najma yelled just as the car behind me blared it's horn jolting me out of my thoughts.

"W..what's wrong?" I stuttered before noticing the lights were green.

I murmured an apology and continued driving. I could feel Najma's worried gaze on me, coupled with the baby's unnerving gaze.

Minutes later I couldn't take it anymore, I pulled into the parking lot of Southern Fried Chicken.

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