Chapter 8

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I trudged up to the main house, mumbling about how much I would rather be sleeping and than heading to work but being in Alcatraz, the last thing I wanted to do was piss of Hajiya so early into my stay.

I slid the patio door open and walked into the kitchen. The maids were busy preparing breakfast and the smell of fried eggs, potatoes and Hajiya's signature spicy chai tea greeted me. I couldn't help the grin that crept onto my face.

This, I didn' mind.

I exited the kitchen and took a left about to head to Hajiya's room when I heard her voice from the dining room. I made my way over to her. She was seated with a plate of food in front of her, a newspaper in her hand. She looked up as I approached her.

"Good  morning Hajiya" I greeted. She put the newspaper aside and gestured for me to sit.

"Good morning Abba, how was your night at the Chalet? Hope it wasn't dusty? I had the maids clean it out before you arrived."

"It was great, slept like a baby" I replied smiling as a plate of fries and eggs was placed in front of me with a mug of coffee. I took a gulp immediately grimacing at the taste.

Buy coffee!!!

I made a mental note, the brand was either horrible or the maids had no idea how to brew coffee. Either way I was going to get a coffee maker ASAP.

Look at you talking like you have the money

I glared at my food as the thought crossed my mind.

Great, I can't even afford good coffee

"Aren't you hungry?" Hajiya inquired. I cleared my throat before picking up my fork

"I am. I was just lost in thought" I answered taking a bite of the egg.

"When are you heading into work? It's almost 9am"

I held back a groan at the thought of work, my appetite disappearing immediately at the thought of dealing with the people from work.

God... Do I have to?

"Right now." I replied pushing the plate aside and getting up.

"You haven't eaten much"

"I'll get something to go. Don't worry." With that I made my way out of the house to my car.

It's just work... how bad could it be?


After the initial shock by everyone of me showing up to work, I was seated in my cubicle. I sighed looking at the ton of files in front of me.

"I couldn't believe it when they told me you were in the office. I had to come down and see for myself."

I groaned before swiveling in my chair to Abdul.

"If I didn't know better Abdul, I'd think you're obsessed with me." I smirked.

He scoffed turning beet red before moving away from my cubicle.

I chuckled and turned my attention to the files infront of me.

Not gonna happen

I brought out my phone and decided to go through my messages.

Can we talk?

I smirked wondering whether to let her stew a little before replying her.

I switched to Twitter, scrolling through my time line.

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