Chapter 14

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The sun shining on my face made me groan, I was not ready to face the world. I pulled the covers over my head.

Come on Abba.

I got up and walked into the bathroom, staring at my reflection. I looked like shit. This was not me. I was not a weak minded fool who hid away from the world.

I am Abubakar Abdullahi Barde, a member of the renowned Barde Clan. I am beneath them all.

With that cemented in my brain, I had my shower and got ready for the day. I didn't bother with breakfast deciding to get something at work.

Arriving at work 30 minutes later, I made my way to my cubicle. People were staring after me.

Let them stare.

Amaka was waiting with a cup of coffee, she was leaning against the wall of my cubicle, eyes glued to her phone.

"Hey" I said

"Abubakar!!! I was so worried. I came over to your cubicle yesterday but you weren't there and your car was here. Are you okay?" She asked.

"Yeah" I laughed. "Is that mine" I gestured to the cup. She nodded smiling before handing the cup over to me.

"Thanks." I replied.

"I need your help with a file, I'll bring it over in a few." She said. I nodded and walked into my cubicle.

Powering up the computer, I scrolled through my messages, replying to Najma's message before tossing the phone to the aside.

Amaka came a few minutes later and we got to work.

"So how are you holding up?" She asked. I shrugged resting back on the chair.

"I'm not letting anyone get to me. They can say whatever they want. I don't care" I answered.

"That's the spirit! But if you don't mind me asking, who is she?"

"Well, it's complicated. She's not mine but I... it's complicated" I replied. She nodded in understanding.

"When you're ready to talk about her, I'll be here." She assured. I smiled at her grateful she wasn't insisting.

"Well well well, at least now we know why you are really here" a new voice said.

I turned to Abdul who had a smug grin on his face.

"Poor rich Abubakar got cut off for knocking up a girl and now to support the baby he has to work" he mocked, I glared at him.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" Amaka snapped at him. He ignored her walking further into my cubicle.

"I heard you wanted her to get an abortion, that's pathetic Abubakar. You forgot to wrap it up or what?" He sneered.

Ignore him, he is beneath you.

"I bet she isn't the only girl you knocked up and forced to get an abortion."

"Abdul that's enough. You aren't wanted or needed here" she barked.

"Come on Amaka, I'm just stating the obvious. Let's just hope the baby has more sense than him, imagine she gets his hoe tendencies, that'll just be sad. What's her name again? Yas..."

I saw red after that, all I felt was pain erupting in my hands and Abdul on the floor.

"Stop!!!" Amaka kept on shouting before running out. I drove my fist into his face one more time before getting up.

"Stay the fuck out of my business you piece of shit" I snarled, he whimpered. I looked him over.


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