Donovan H. Wickhelm

Start from the beginning

[ Props to the reviewer that gave you that idea, it's an inventive way of giving how he feels on each name. You are repeating yourself, however, so I'd remove the first sentence dedicated to his nicknames and who gave them to him and just keep the second lot with his opinions of said names. You aren't going to be losing any information since Donovan states who gave him each name as he speaks about them.]

Birth Name: Anthony Martin Bear Claw

Age: 26

Date of Birth: October 12, 2041

Sign: Libra (This isn't really too important. I added it for fun plus Donovan fits the bill)

Alignment(I don't play much DND but figured this would be fun to add): Chaotic Good

Alive/Dead?: Alive

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Sexuality: Gay

Voice(I know it would technically be his singing voice but I haven't found anything that feels like his voice other than this song):

[ I have no trust in these links working after I format the review so for those interested, the link leads to 'The Sound Of Silence' by Disturbed. Now I'm not great at describing voices but when I think of David Draiman's voice I think distorted and deep-sounding.]

Accent: He sounds a bit Scottish and Australian. He doesn't usually pronounce the 'g' of 'ing' words. He also says 'ya' instead of 'you'.

[ I'm assuming Donovan comes from a yet to be named country/region of Kioan which is some combination of our Scotland and Australia. Think about any unique dialect words his country/region uses... I predict again it'll be some mixture of Scots and Aussie dialects. Perhaps there are some words that are different for him than they are for other people because of where he's from. I'll use Scots as an example, from my experience most Scots tend to say 'cannae' rather than 'can't' and the obvious one of 'aye' for 'yes'. Just something else to consider with his character and worldbuilding.]

Song that represents him(Not too important but still fun):

[ Again, no trust for these links, the song is 'This is Home' by Cavetown... however, he's still going to get his own song from me at the end whether he likes it or not.]

**-Physical Description-**

Height: 6'2

Weight: 210 lbs

Body shape: Muscular (That's where a lot of his weight comes from)

[ Yep, makes sense.]

Eye shape: No

[ Well, golf ball-sized empty sockets aren't really your traditional eye shape, are they?]

Eye color: No

Hair type: Thick, straight hair

Hair style(Middle of story (After he was tortured for those two years)): Long, matted, complete mess

Hair style(Current/Later on in story (After he met Lunar)): Man-bun with side-shaved style

Hair color: Red-Brown

Facial Hair: He has a bit of stubble

Skin color: Olive tan

Scars: Scars around his sockets(three around his right side socket and one just left of his left side socket), brand on his back of a wolf's head with a star on it, and other miscellaneous scars (caused by whips, knives, and other fun stuff that involves fighting or torture).

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