Vivaan Sharma

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This OC and review contain themes of cannibalism. If you're uncomfortable with the above, I suggest overlooking this review.

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Fandom: Original.

[ I've cut everything I already know about your universe, hope you don't mind. For those reading this who aren't aware of this author's universe, please look at my review of Arjun Singh.]

Name: Vivaan Sharma. Vivaan means 'full of life' and is another name for Lord Krishna, who is believed to be the eigth incarnation of Vishnu. Vishnu's job is to perserve the universe and keep it stable. His name is actually quite meaningful as he works hard to keep everything in Park Mansion running smoothly. His last name, Sharma, means 'joy,' 'comfort,' and 'happiness.'

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual Heteroromantic

Species: Human

Nationality: Indian

Appearance: He has soft, light brown skin and almond-shaped umber eyes, much like Aarav. One of the only noticeable differences is that he has a mole under his left eye. His facial shape is an oval and although he has an ectomorph body type, his muscles are slightly defined due to working at a full-time job which requires physical labor. They're not very notieable, however. He has raven-black hair which is tied in a ponytail that omes down to his hips. He is 5'8 ¾ and weighs 130 pounds. For clothing, he wears a white long-sleeved shirt with a collar and black pants. Over the shirt, he wears a black waiter vest (bow not included) and black loafers. (There's a reason why he looks more like a waiter than a butler: that is if you are particularly unlucky, you will come during mistress's "feeding time," which is once a month. The first thing that you will notice is that Vivaan looks more like a waiter than a butler. This is because he serves a feast once a month. However, that feast is not for the guest -- rather, the feast is for the "Lady" and consists of the guest's flesh).

Personality: He is very strict when he is in his 'work mode.' If you make the slightest mistake, he will reprimand you at the end of the day. If you keep on making mistakes, it will not be long before he kicks you out the door to survive on your own. The staff is expected to work 7 days a week, 16 hours per day (except for Sundays, where they only work 12 hours), and if he catches anyone slacking off, he will decide on a harsh punishment for them, most likely involving extra work. And God forbid anyone embarass the 'Lady' -- that's an automatic fire for lack of respect towards superiors. Outside of work, however, he is very polite and gentlemanly. He rarely raises his voice and phrases his speech respectfully. He even has a playful side to him, too -- for example, he lightly teases Park Eui when her mind wanders in the middle of a sentence.

[ Pretty decent personality. Consider expanding the positive aspects of his personality a little more, the main one being a bit more about his playful side, a little bit more to highlight that perhaps.]

Health: Aside from the fact that he knows Park Eui is a cannibal (a curse was placed on her when she was young) and is perfectly fine with it, he's pretty stable. (However, what he doesn't know is that he was basically made to be her husband since she found a way to make other humans immortal, like her. The thing is though is that in order to make them immortal is that she has to create a "bond" with them and one of the requirements is that Vivaan eat the meat equivalent of a human finger every month. So ... basically Vivaan is a cannibal but he doesn't know it. I plan to completely jack up his mental state after he finds out).

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