Eire Lee [E]

316 5 12

[Please note that I ask a lot of questions throughout the review, you by no means have to answer them, they are simply to get you thinking more in-depth about your character. Enjoy!]  

Fandom: Original (In this universe, about half of the population in a country are chosen to transform or get the powers of a mythical creature from their countries folklore, for example someone from America could transform into a bigfoot.)

[How are they chosen? By random? Was it evolution? What decides the type of mythical creature a person becomes? Do certain bloodlines carry a certain creature?

For example, the Lee bloodline carries the Selkie 'gene' so a Lee has a higher chance of becoming a Selkie if you get what I mean.

Do some people only get the appearance of the creature while others just get the abilities of the creature? Do some people get both appearance and abilities? A reason to why half of the population gains these abilities would be nice.]

Full Name: Eire Lee (Doesn't have middle name)


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Selkie

[About to clock this because I only know the Selkie from Scottish folklore, but after a wee' research I found that they pop up in Irish folklore too. So all is good here, matches with her nationality.

As a Selkie does she follow the myth/laws of the creature, can someone steal her seal skin and claim her as their wife? Does she even shred her skin do become her 'human' form?]

Nationality: Irish

Appearance: Eire is 5'9", weighs 158 pounds, light beige skin, silver hair due to being a selkie, messy braided chignon, grayish blue eyes, white t-shirt, grey leggings with harbor seals and light grey converse, carries canteen with water.

[Correct, however, I've seen somewhere that Selkies are usually around 5'4" but that may be wrong. So long as you got the height-weight ratio right I'm not too bothered.

Selkie usually have freckling on their faces to represent the blotches and speckles on their seal skin, their hair is generally dark. You're right in making her skin light as the female Selkie tend to have lighter skin. If you want Eire to have silver hair and be true to Selkies, then I'd suggest her dying her hair silver, with her being a Selkie she would most likely have dark hair.

Alternatively, if you really wanted to keep the reasoning for her silver hair the same, just let us know if she was born with the hair or did it turn silver at six? Seeing as you find out if you have powers at 6, her being born with silver hair would have given it away sooner, right?

Clothing now, does she not wear a jacket of some sort? It can get pretty windy in Ireland. She'd be stupid to go outside with only a T-shirt on, especially up a bloody mountain she'll freeze to death on the spot. That's not mentioning that it could rain at any given moment in Ireland.

The leggings with the harbour seals on seems a bit on the nose if you get what I mean. It's like someone with fire abilities who wears a T-shirt with a flame on it on the daily.

It also seems a bit childish, she's 28 and wearing leggings that a 10-year-old would wear. Don't get me wrong there are definitely 28 years olds out there that wear that sort of stuff, and I guess in a sense it matches her personality, she seems to be a bit out there.

Are there not any different ways of expressing her interest? Maybe a small tattoo on an ankle/wrist? Maybe a bracelet/necklace? Perhaps just her phone home screen is a picture of a seal? I'd imagined she'd get a lot of questions asking why she has a seal as her home screen.

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