Sadie Braxton

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fandom: none I'm currently trying to write a book with this oc (its set sometime in the 1800s and is set in a sorta steampunk world sorry if this is vague)

[ That's enough to give me a brief idea for now.]

birth name: Sadie Braxton (hates first name with a passion)

[ Consider why he hates his first name? I assume the main reason is that Sadie is typically used as a female name and Braxton is trying to distance himself from his born sex in pursue of his career and knowledge. So perhaps, more so in Braxton's book, have him tell the readers why he hates his name which I'm sure you'll do.]

nickname: Braxton

age: 16

species: human

gender: they\them, he\him

sexuality: pan\asexual

Nationality: (I haven't decided)

appearance: fairly short (around 5.1), quite skinny, freckles over cheeks and nose, very pale, short curly dark brown hair, kinda looks like they haven't slept in a week (if im being honest they probably haven't), round glasses, 46kg, twig arms and legs (they don't get out much), mostly wears a white victorian style lab coat or a white dress shirt with a waistcoat and black pants.

[ His BMI is more or less perfect, but with all the focus on him being as skinny as he is, I'd be tempted to drop his weight down a bit. I wouldn't go any lighter than 40kg else he'll be classed as underweight, but anything between 40kg - 46kg will keep his BMI a healthy weight but on the lower side. But that's me getting picky about his weight, his appearance is fine really.]

health: mental health is a bit of a wreck, he has a lot of anxiety and has had panic attacks in the past. Their physical health isn't much better since they sometimes get so wrapped up in their experiments they will forget to eat, drink or sleep. Once went so long without sleep that they collapsed.

[ How does his anxiety and attacks affect him? Do they affect his work? Has Braxton learned from his mistakes? Does he know set reminders to eat, drink and sleep?]

personality: This boy is always anxious about something, he tends to overthink things a lot. He adores science (especially chemistry and biology), however he has a thirst for knowledge and will ask a lot of questions about everything (it gets quite annoying actually). But his thirst for knowledge can make him really ambitious and he will lock himself in his lab till he has the answer he wants. This character is also quite selfish and is honestly cowardly. He often forgets to think of other people and if there was a fire, for example he would just flee without even giving the other people in the building a second thought until after the fire. He is usually quiet and serious but he does have a streak of sarcasm. Despite being logical he can often be very melodramatic.

[ Consider how he feels about his selfishness and cowardice. Other than that Braxton's personality is fine.]

weakness: Braxton is very ambitious and deprives himself of self care until his goal is complete. He is cowardly and selfish and often forgets to think of other people before himself. Not gonna lie a little obsessive and has very questionable morals. Struggles with social cues.

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