Jerki 'Robertsson' [C]

209 3 30

[Please note that I ask a lot of questions throughout the review, you by no means have to answer them, they are simply to get you thinking more in-depth about your character. Enjoy!]  

Fandom: Original (The story is set in the 32th century, where due to a global rescource crisis, made electricity, cars and guns be put out of buisness, and medieval weapons were reinstated.)

[Interesting idea. When did the crisis occur? How long has the human race been without power? What sort of technology level were they at before the crisis?How reliant on technology was this universe? What was their main source of power? Fun idea, this is a universe where renewable energy was never developed, gaining all their power from oil. That might explain why these people ain't fell back onto renewable sources.

I don't think the crisis would put guns out of business, but definitely the modern-day bullets. Maybe that's what this universe's human race has done, it got greedy and gobbled up all their oil and modern gunpowder.

Ridding this Earth of their power, cars, and guns, this a nice way of getting the medieval aspects into the story, back to the basics. But bare in mind that guns were about in the medieval era too, they had their hand cannons, their bloody dangerous arquebuses, they ain't no AR-15s but they're guns nonetheless.

But even then I imagine some next inventor re-working or modifying existing guns to be able to work with black powder or some other equally explosive powder, probably getting some mega money in the process.]

Full name: Jerki "Robertsson"

[Bit stumped on the name. Are we meant to be saying it as Jer-rik-key, or Jer-key? Do we even pronounce the j? Either way, pronunciation ain't my forté so it's been coming out as Jerky for me.]

(Last name unknown, though he made one up recently to get into the british military.)

[Is it unknown or lost? In the 32nd century, I wouldn't be surprised if birth certificates were completely digitalized, with no power I'd imagine it'll be lying dormant in a powerless data file in some hospital.]

Age: currently 13, met at age six.

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Human

Nationality: Northman (Norwegian)

Appearance: 152 cm tall and 45 kg in weight at the age of twelve,

[Yep, that's all good.]

Jerki carries bluegreen eyes (allthough they change to red during his rage),

[Also known as aquamarine when it comes to eyes I think. Blue-green does the job too I suppose, though you do run the risk of readers thinking he's got heterochromia. 

As for the changing of colours, I wonder why they turn the colour red rather than any other colour...

-Flashback to Year 11 English-  

"Curly's wife's nails are red to symbolise danger."

-End flashback-

Ah yes, that'll be why.]

unkept brownish hair and fair skin. He is sometimes seen wearing a short tunic but doesn't have a set style. (He wears whatever he can get his hands on.)

[He best be getting those grubby little hands on some sort of coat or jumper, poor lads gonna catch hypothermia. Norway is cold and can't decide what it's weather wants to do, and Britain is honestly not far off being like Norway, only it favours rain over snow.

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