Eustace Crane [A*]

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Please note that I ask a lot of questions throughout the review, you by no means have to answer them, they are simply to get you thinking more in-depth about your character. Enjoy!


Fandom original: Chrysalis

The human race has made it possible to genetically modify children before birth. These modifications range from appearance, personality, strength capabilities, intelligence, sexuality, health, and gender. After years of genetic modification being perfected a new group of "Apex" human beings have been introduced into society. This genetic modification is not available to all people, only to those who can afford it. This leaves a steep imbalance between those who can afford it and those who cannot, due to the immense superiority the "Apex" born people have over the regular born people. Soon the Apex population takes over the vast majority of society, leaving those without genetic modifications to wither away in poverty, starvation, and disease, policed and suppressed by cruel laws and military. Every country is given an opportunity to use this genetic modification and every country is divided into three sections commonly known as the Pentagon (where all of the genetically modified people live in luxury), the Mix (a mixture between both genetically modified people that can not afford to live in the Pentagon and the higher class non-genetically modified people) and the Slums (where most of the non-genetically modified people reside). Within their desperate attempts to survive in an evolving world, the regular borns create a rebel group made of 10 of the most intelligent and strong people of their own. This group is known as "Chrysalis" (A chrysalis is a common symbol of rebirth and strength). The purpose of this group is to undermine the corrupt Apex society and fight for equality amongst both groups of people.

[ Sounds like Gattaca and I liked that film, so I'm excited.]

Full name: Eustace Crane

Age: 19

Sexuality: asexual and bi-romantic

(He denies it completely and is very confused about his lack of attraction, but eventually comes to terms with it later on in the story once he becomes more comfortable with himself)

Species: Human (not an Apex human being)

Nationality: British (UK) and American (US)

[ American by birth, British by descent it would seem. Where about in the United Kingdom does he hail from? Born in England and he'd be English, born in Scotland and he'd be Scottish and so on. To be honest, I'm not too fussed about the specifics when it comes to British nationality, it tends to depend on the person if they see them as British or as Welsh for example. I know most English people if given the choice will say British over English, hell I do. While people outside of England will tend to say Scottish, Welsh, Irish or whatever. Yeh, I ain't too fussed. Thinking about his British side, what would Eustace say he is and why?]


Height: 6 feet tall (lanky and skinny)

Weight: 140 lbs

[ That's fine.]

Skin colour: born with albinism (a rare genetic condition where your body cannot create the proper amount of pigmentation in skin, hair, and eyes) so yeah, just think super pale. (He is very insecure about his skin colour and wishes he was born without it despite its rarity).

Eye colour: A light pinkish shade

Hairstyle/colour: very light blond (almost white). His hair is wavy and parted on the left side and grown slightly longer than a usual male's haircut.

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