Ponkomeki D. Jefferson [C]

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Please note that I ask a lot of questions throughout the review, you by no means have to answer them, they are simply to get you thinking more in-depth about your character. Enjoy!


Fandom: Their Fandom is original, and they are a part of the what I suspect will be a trilogy, (although this might change) named Color Theory. There are sorting systems, in this case colors, used to display the importance and personality of a color. Sometimes secondaries, tertiaries, or quaternaries will be influenced by the higher color. Ex. The person that is the quarternary color of mint is influenced by the religous beliefs of the person represented by green, but is still their own character.

[ I have to ask because colour seems important here, would colour blindness in your universe have more of an impact on someone's life? The colours are linked to personality, so perhaps because someone with colour blindness cannot accurately distinguish certain colours or easily confuses certain ones, they may have difficulty in society when having to interact with other 'colours' {aka. personalities}. Yeh, something to think about.]

The personality is always influenced by the color, ex how Ponkomeki struggles with anxiety is influenced by his color of blue.

[ Is the colour/personality relation thing set in stone, like collectively agreed upon that blue relates to anxiety/struggling, or is it a subjective thing?]

The importance is dictated by how far away from the center a color would be in a color wheel. Primaries, Yellow Red and Blue, along with the only two shades, Dark Blue and Pink, are the most important.

[ Dark blue is the shade, pink, however, its own hue... or depending on who you ask a tint.]

The Monochromes, Grey Black and White, have the equivalency of importance as the secondaries. The secondaries, Green Orange and Purple, are less important but still impact the story.

[ Individual primary colours may also be monochromes, that just means a variety of tones, shades, whatever, in one colour. Achromatic, meaning without colour, should do the job and sum your greys, blacks and whites a bit better than monochrome does. Achromatic is more exclusive to these colours... or non-colours.]

Anything below or equal to tertiary is not relevant to the story, although they may make cameos, only exist to add realism to the world and supply human interaction outside of the Primaries, Shades, Monochromes, and Secondaries. The Tertiary colors are also Chartreuse, Teal, Vermilion, Amber, Violet, and Magenta. There is also a debateable character named Jonathan, represented by brown. The colors a character has does not dictate family, although it does dictate friends, and also does not dictate your skin tone.

Location and Time: Trenton, New Jersey. Sometimes in flashbacks other countries may be mentioned, but the present day is in Trenton. Also, the story takes place from 2001 to 2013.

[ Right on.]

Full name and Nicknames: The full name of the OC I am submitting is Ponkomeki Daryl Jefferson, although some nicknames are Ponko, because of the length of his name.

[ What does his name mean? How did his parents come to name him this? Not gonna lie it seems like quite an odd name doesn't seem much of an English name or much of an American name. Hell, or even much of an anything name, Google's not offering any insight so a good guess it's something you've made up. It's an original fandom, for all I know it might be common to have an unusual first name and it would almost seem that way looking at names like Lenkizen and Cimeries, but then we've got his brother's oddball name of Jonathan. So, I'm not sure what's going on, if it's normal for the universe, fair enough Jonathan's just the odd one out, if not, Ponkomeki and co look like the odd ones out.]

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