Adeen Farklaw [E]

172 3 5

Please note that I ask a lot of questions throughout the review, you by no means have to answer them, they are simply to get you thinking more in-depth about your character. Enjoy!


Fandom: Original

A summary of the universe - it's an entirely different fantasy world. Every country has its own affinity of magic that it's named after; The Country of Flame, the Country of Water, etc. They all can only practice the type of magic their country is named after.

[ Is it law or nature stopping them from performing fire magic in Country of Water?]

Each magic has its own affinities, and its vary rare for someone to match up with all the affinities. In the past, these gods known as the Old Ones came to these different continents, died, and spread their magic to the people in those specific regions. As a result, everyone in each country looks the same - the people in the Country of Flame have yellow eyes, dark-red-brown hair, and lighter red highlights. The people in the Country of Water all have blue eyes and blue hair, etc. Each country's royal family has one distinguishing feature from everyone - The Country of Flame's royal family has their left eye as orange instead of yellow, the Country of Water has a oddly-shaped birthmark on their right shoulder, etc. Every few generations, a member of the royal family gains their Old Ones power. These people are known as Keepers, and they're incredibly powerful and capable of special magic that no one else in their country is capable of.

Full Name: Adeen Farklaw (The name given to her by her adoptive mother). Her real name is Asahi Doel Agni Kinza Phoenix (her country has a habit of giving royals excruciatingly long names. The name will probably be adjusted in the future).

[ Concerning her real name, the first four names are fine, I actually quite like them. I'm not sure about 'Phoenix' though, I'm sure why it just means to take away from the elegance of the first four names.]

Nicknames: Dee-dee, One-arm. Dee-dee is just a shortened part of her name, Adeen, and One-arm was given to her because she eventually lost her left arm in a battle and had to go get a magic-clay replacement.

[ How does she feel about these names? What is she more commonly referred to as? Adeen or Dee-dee? Hell, maybe even One-arm?]

Age: 16-18, and she ages as the story goes on. I still don't know how old she'll be by the end, the story is still a work-in-progress.

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Species: Flame Magician

Nationality: Country of Flame

Appearance: Her height goes from 5'4, to 5'6. Her weight varies from 120-130 over time.

[ I've paired both the lower height and weight with her being 16 and the other two with her being 18. {16= 5'4" & 120lbs. 18= 5'6" & 130lbs. Not sure if that's what you intended, but it's what I've done. That being said both her 16-year-old and 18-year-old heights and weights are fine.]

She has relatively fair, slightly tan skin, and she has the normal brown-dark-red hair with lighter red highlights, and one yellow eye. Her hair colors her left eye, though it was orange before it was taken out.

[ When we say 'yellow/orange eye', do we mean the whole of the eye {sclera, iris and pupil} is that colour, or only part of the eye {either sclera, iris or pupil} is that colour?]

Her hair reaches her lower chest. She tends to prefer more leather clothing, seeing as it was all she wore growing up, and she normally carries a bag around carrying some spare knives, and some beef jerky. Not always water.

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