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"Shit shit shit shit," Zuko jumped over the fallen over tree as Aang zoomed past him on the air ball as arrows came after them from behind.

"Someone must've saw appa!" Aang cried out as Zuko slid on his knees to duck a arrow full of fire but blasted it back with a cry before it hit him.

"Just don't get caught!" Zuko yelled back at him but Aang bended the earth to send Zuko flying ahead of him so he wasn't behind anymore, he rolled across the ground and got back to his feet as Aang caught up with him.

"I can't believe i never caught you," Zuko glared as he and Aang were held captive with their arms bounded behind them and legs together, archers surrounding them.

"You say that a lot," Aang snapped at him.

"Only when you do stupid things like run into a tree!" Zuko raised his voice as Aang pouted a little.

"Shizuka," one of the archers barked down at them as Zuko glared a little.

He knew his options, he knew these archers. Zuko had to think fast of how they'd get away, he at least had to get Aang to escape, the fate of the world was up to the avatar, his life was more valuable than his. It was only a small set back, he knew he'd be okay... probably...

"Hey," Zuko yelled at one of the archers as Aang squeaked with wide eyes not knowing what Zuko was up too.

"Can I get some water please?" He asked once he got their attention. They all glared at him and ignored the fire bender.

"It's just been a long trip and you know I've had a rough couple weeks," Zuko rolled his eyes a little and leaned back. Silence.

"Fine," he huffed and rolled onto his back with a kick of fire coming from his feet as the archers ducked out of the way. Aang used the opportunity and stomped for earth sharp as a blade to cut their ropes.


The two boys sprinted quickly as they ran through the woods but an arrow was  shot through the fire and hit Aang through the shoulders as he fell to his knees with a loud cry of pain.

"Aang!" Zuko ran to him as he jump kicked fire back to give them time as he looked down at the boy worried, not knowing what to do as blood ran down aangs arm from the wound. 

"God Azula is gonna be pissed again," Zuko whispered to himself as he pulled the arrow out of the boy, his palms turning red in heat as Zuko put them both on each side of the wound. Aang screamed at the burn but it stopped the bleeding.

"They're catching up," Aang sniffled wiping under his nose.

"You need to get moving," Zuko helped him up as Aang clutched his shoulder tightly.

"Yea like I'm leaving you behind," Aang scoffed.

"They can't get the avatar, I told you I'd do anything to help in this war and your freedom is more valuable than mine, just watch for Azula," Zuko told him as aangs jaw dropped.

"She'll kill me again!" Aang cried.

"Aang I'm not kidding, if the fire nation gets their hands on you they'll kill you immediately to take out the threat, go or I swear I'll put this arrow back!" Zuko snarled down at him as he was serious.

Aangs jaw trembled as tears weld up in his eyes, he remembered how he found Zuko before. And this wasn't the first time the fire benders risked his life for him, when he was the blue spirit he was almost killed. Then hama, then again at black sun. Zuko continued the pattern again and again of putting his life at risk. What an idiot.


"Hey look they're back," Sokka saw appa flying back to the air temple as everyone was sitting in a circle for lunch.

"Great I gotta make them food too now," Katara groaned looking back as Sokka waved excitedly with small jumps as appa landed close by.

"So you a fire bender again Zuzu?" Azula asked loudly as she ate rice at the circle.

Katara looked behind where appa was as Aang slid off and grunted when he landed, holding his wounded shoulder. She saw the dried blood that ran down to his wrist.

"Aang? Aang what happened?" She got to her feet as Sokka ran to Aang concerned.

"Where's Zuko?" Katara asked looking up at the empty saddle. A tear ran down aangs face shaking his head as she lead him to the fountain.

"I don't even know what happened... I was shot and..a-and.." Aang gulped as Katara bended water around his shoulder to begin bending.

They heard a bowl shatter as azula looked at Aang almost betrayed.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Azula scrunched up her nose.

"Where is he?" She asked harshly.

"Azula give him a moment, you lost a lot of blood Aang," Katara stopped her as she tried to not think about what just happened. That Zuko was gone again. And again. And again.

"Just Tell me what happened, look at me Aang," Katara said gently as Aang held his head a little as everyone was silent.

"We-we made it, we made it through the ancient sun warrior ruins and I can fire bend but I think on our way someone saw appa, cause on our way back to appa outside of the land there were those archers like when you had to suck on frogs," Aang explained to them as he felt nauseous a little.

Katara looked at the others worried not knowing what to do, Azula had her fists clenched tightly but Toph put her hand on her arm to comfort her.

"You should rest, you lost a lot of blood," Katara told him as Aang nodded getting up to find his bed, the duke and Haru helped him a little when Aang stumbled.

"How are we going to get him back?" Katara asked as soon as Aang was gone and left with her brother and the girls.

"We don't even know who took Zuko, more or less where they'd take him, especially if they were more interested in Aang," Toph sighed a little crossing her arms.

"I think it's the archers that kidnapped Aang a while back, like he said when we were sick," Sokka snapped his fingers and Azula looked at him confused.

"The yuyan archers? Zhao hired them a long time ago," Azula connected it with a scowl.

"So the hunt for the avatar is back on then, if Zhao is in on it then who knows what will happen," she said bitterly as Katara bounced her leg as she sat on the fountain anxiously.

"Where would they take him then?" Katara asked worried.

"Back to Zhao, who knows what that bastard will do, him and Zuko have had a rivalry since he was banished," Azula crossed her arms as she glared at Aang.

She was beyond angry, trying to keep herself calm as her blood boiled, Aang could feel it as she stared flames into his soul.

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