Change in plans

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Katara heard something near by as she felt the morning dew around them as the sun was just coming up, she sat up seeing azula and Zuko already awake and look like they packed up their bedding.

"Why are you guys up?"  She rubbed her eyes as they froze.

"We're heading out, better to go now before the invasion, Zula and I already talked it over," Zuko told her quietly hoping not to wake anyone up.

"You weren't going to tell us?" She whispered back as azula rolled her eyes.

"Didn't think we needed your permission," Azula said sarcastically.

"Still..." Katara sighed.

"You don't have to go, we were going to leave for the rendezvous point today by night fall, it'll get you closer to your uncle if hes in the Capitol," she got to her feet but Zuko shook his head.

"No, by the time of the invasion we'll be far enough that we won't be involved and hopefully soldiers would be gone, it'll take the same amount of time either way," Zuko explained simply.

"Is it morning already?" Aang woke up scratching his head seeing people were awake.

"No go back to sleep Aang," Katara told him in a gentle voice, he did so with a snore.

"You guys aren't forced to leave," she turned back to the siblings.

"If anything I'm sure Sokka would love making a strategy for you guys to get your uncle while we invade, perfect timing of the eclipse," Toph was already awake as she had her hands behind her head.

"When did you get up?" Katara gasped surprised.

"They walk to loud, I've been up since the loud stompers have been," Toph sat up finally and azula bit her lip awkwardly remembering she tripped once.

"That doesn't sound to bad," Azula looked at Zuko, she was still skeptical with him since their fight last night. But he didn't leave her yet.

"We'll think about it today, I just don't know how well the children of the fire lord joining everyone that hates the fire nation will be to invade our home," Zuko sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"We won't tell them your royalty," Katara smirked.

"Scar," Zuko pointed to his face.

"Blue fire," Azula crossed her arms.

"Can you not bend blue fire? And no ones going to know your the prince because of a scar," Katara comprised with a confident grin.

"Um all of the fire nation knows that scar," Azula put her hands behind her back.

"We'll make it work, stay," Katara put her hands on her hips with a smile. "Please?"

Zuko leaned his head back with a long exhale as he thought for a long moment. "Fine,"

"Im going to the river," he mumbled walking away and Azula looked back at Katara with a quirked brow.

"Disgusting," she said simply and Katara whipped her head to the other fire bender.

"What?" Katara asked concerned that something was on her face.

"You like my brother," Azula made a face scrunching up her nose.

"What? No," Katara gapped like a fish in shock.

"Stay? Please?" Azula mimicked her with a high voice and her hands clasped for begging.

"How could you have a crush on him?" She scoffed a little.

"I don't," Katara glared back.

"No feelings? You've been the most kind to him and have been trying a little to hard to be just a nice person," Azula smirked a little knowing she was right. She's always been a people person, knowing their body language easily, it was a talent of hers which also makes her great with lying and manipulation... but that's not what she does anymore.

"No, I don't, I treat you and Zuko the same since we found you," Katara crossed her arms not moving away and  was calm.

"You're not the worst liar I've met, but not the best to fool me, keep it up water peasant," Azula smiled at her as Katara smiled back with a shrug.

"Maybe cause I'm not a liar," Katara walked away to get started with the day but Toph walked up to azula smirking as well.

"She's not fooling any body," Toph said simply.

"She does play a good poker face, I give her that," Azula agreed with her arms crossing.

"So does this mean you like sokka?" Toph teased but azula jumped at the thought.

"That's insulting to even say that, if you think any man is worthy," Azula huffed with disgust in her eyes.

"Maybe not a man?" Toph smirked a little and felt azulas heart speed up.

"I'm going to go help Katara," Azula hustled away and Toph smiled evilly.

She loves the power of being blind. 


"They're coming with us to the invasion?!" Sokka screamed as they were on their way to the final destination. They all made sure Sokka and Aang had no where to run after telling them.

"They'll ruin the whole thing!" Aang called from appas head.

"That's what I said," Zuko was sitting in the back with his arms crossed, Toph was hanging on to his arm casually.

"Well that's the thing, Zuzu and I will be completely out of the way, while you all do your dance against our home, we'll be using you as a distraction to get our uncle," Azula waved her brother off as she looked at Sokka.

"Yea you've said that but last I checked you didn't want your home invaded and uncle freed and Zuko was the opposite," Sokka rubbed his face confused.

"I was wrong, our uncle doesn't deserve to be there, and the fire nation needs this war ended," Azula said but Zuko looked at her with his brow furrowed.

"So what about after Aang takes out the fire lord? Aren't one of you suppose to lead the nation?" Toph asked as she had a strong grip on zukos arm.

"Well uncle actually should be leading the fire nation, I guess our father broke tradition, but if anything uncle iroh should get his rightful place on the throne," Azula nodded as she glanced back at Toph.

"Your dads a real rule breaker isn't he?" Sokka snorted sarcastically. Neither of the fire benders were amused.

"Wrong crowd,"

"But if anything then, the first born should be crowned, right?" Katara asked and they all looked at Zuko.

"That's tradition," Zuko sighed.

"So you would be taking over after," Aang turned around as he was kneeling on the other side of the saddle.

"I don't think I'd be a good fire lord," Zuko snorted shaking his head. "Probably start a war again,"

"Why can't uncle be fire lord?" Azula looked at him confused.

"Course he can, I'd prefer it but with him having no heirs to the throne it'd be hard to say what the elders will do," Zuko told her and she nodded understanding.

"Well we'll get to that when the time comes," Azula let out a small breath and smiled at her brother.

"For now we need to prepare for the invasion, tomorrow we'll get to your plan for your uncle, and a back up plan, if anything we could use fire benders up to the eclipse," Sokka pulled out his scroll and wrong down notes.

"Can either of you fight without your bending? You want weapons?" He looked up at them.

"I don't need a weapons, of course I can fight without bending," Azula said with a more uptight tone.

"If you got Dao swords I wouldn't mind, but otherwise I'll be fine," Zuko nodded as sokkas eyes lit up.

"You use swords too?!"

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